Luke's Note

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After all of that, she kept wondering about him.

Mostly what did the 'Deser' meant and few days later, she figured it out.


Where she found two folded notes at the very bottom drawer‚ which read‚


With the sloppy penmanship contents;


Laine, first of all, I'm truly sorry. I've thought about this on the first place, I shouldn't came near you and befriended you cause all those time, I knew 'this' will happen but I cannot. The first thing we talked was about me hating you, didn't we? It's not hate, it's called enviousness. Envied you for your perfect family that came out the polar opposite of what I've thought, cause I hope you know what background I had, right? If we didn't move here from Alice Spring, I wouldn't met someone like you, yeah, erm. Now, you're reading this after I am gone, I will fucking miss you, of course. I've written this after a month we became friends, and do you remember having your balcony door open without a reason? Yeah that's me snucking to your room to put this letter on your dresser. Lol, it's weird writing about the future events that'll surely happen if you read this. But in all seriousness, you're a great friend-not only a friend. Plus to that is our same problems, we share what's on our mind and could talk with our stares. I don't know what to Now I'm gone and, eh, cause I have a disease called CAA.

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy which I already knew when I was still 8 years old, I once had a severe convulsion and I've overheard the doctor talking to my brother-Gab, who's only there without my parents cause they don't care for me. So I heard that and once I'm out of the hospital I did search it and found that 10 to 20 years after you had that, you'll surely have your death-which happened to me now that I'm already eighteen. And to add more, CAA is very very rare, and also just happens to elders aged 60 and above so in all over, I think I'm only the teenager one in the world who has this. Very great, isn't it?

To change the subject, you'll be starting in college soon, applause for you :) And the 'place' where I'll leave to is here, in where I am right now and I hope you're happy even without me there, but don't worry, I'll always be here on your side to protect you even that sounds surreal and cheesy but that's the truth.

Did you already figured out who's the girl that I really like? Read the first word of this letter. Yes, I like you. I like you hair, your smile, the way your eyes lifts when you smiles, your cute nose, your sense of humor and fashion, even your corny jokes, your personality and simply you. And now my hand feels numb, sorry for the sloppy handwriting lol.

You remember "Charlaine Luna Gates‚ Don't I get a cookie for writing in your whole name? Jk. You remember I told you that I lost my stuffed penguin when I was six here in Sydney and when I first skuck to your room, I grimaced when I saw MY penguin that I've lost above your study table. Well, you know my love for them so you cannot blame me, though. My love for them is as big as for you.

Sorry I had to end us this way, I love you more than anything,




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