5. Kiss.

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The first time they kissed, it wasn't out of the blue.

Zayn could feel it coming. The lingering touch of Harry's fingers on his arms, the soft smiles Harry gave him every now and then, the light whispers on stage - somewhere deep within his heart, Zayn knew it was coming. But he really didn't expect it that night. And he definitely didn't expect his and Harry's first kiss to be in the darkness of one of their assigned hotel rooms.

"Do you think we'll make it big?" Harry asked him in the middle of that Friday night. In the dim light of the room Zayn saw him frowning. He cupped a side of his face - a gesture he had come to know calmed Harry down.

"We don't have to make it big, Haz." Zayn said in a low voice. "We just have to make sure we are enjoying it."

"Are you enjoying what you're doing?" Harry asked him.

"It's a bit hectic and the music isn't what I would want to make." Zayn admitted. "But yeah, you guys are making it good. I am having fun."

"I know." Harry nodded in understanding. He scooted closer to the tanned lad and draped an arm on his waist. Zayn let out a quiet chuckle in fond at Harry's effort to comfort him. "I miss home too."

"Have you - have you talked it out with Louis?" Zayn asked. He told Harry to talk about it with Louis about his crush on him. Because it was the first step to getting over him.

"Yeah. I did, today. After the show." Harry said slowly. "He was cool with it. Said it's good that I talked it out." Harry smiled at him. "Thank you, Zayn. For always being there for me."

"Always, Haz." Zayn smiled. Because yeah, no matter what, he was always going to be there for this curly lad. Was always going to be there to make sure Harry was okay. Because he could do anything for Harry.

Harry, with his amazing curly hair, gorgeous green eyes and kind heart. Harry, for whom Zayn had developed some feelings that you shouldn't develop for your friends. Harry whom Zayn wanted to kiss right there because Harry looked beautiful in that dim light.

Zayn didn't know how it happened or who initiated it, but the next moment, all he remembered was that their lips were pressed against each other, gentle as ever. It wasn't even a proper kiss, more like a peck. Just a light pressure of their lips on each other as if to assure that the kiss, indeed happened.

The first thought Zayn had after he pulled away from the kiss was, if he had messed up everything. He thought about apologising to Harry for the kiss (even though he wasn't feeling guilty), because he didn't want to lose their friendship over his stupid crush. But then he looked at Harry and he was grinning like a fool.

"He is such a fool" Zayn thought. But he loved that fool. So, he didn't think much of it when he went for another kiss.

This time they couldn't even kiss properly from how much they were laughing. Light and goofy and so much like them.


They didn't talk about the kiss until the next night when they were alone in their hotel room, lying next to each other, staring up at the ceiling.

"Are you okay with you know - the kiss?" Zayn asked with a bit of hesitance. He knew Harry was okay with the kiss last night, but it was a new day so maybe he had changed his mind? "Do you regret it?"

"No, of course not." Zayn turned his head only to find the younger lad smiling. Light and easy as ever. "I don't mind kissing you. In fact, I would very much like another kiss only if you don't have any problem that is." There was a teasing tone in his voice and Zayn loved it so much. He loved Harry and maybe that's why he didn't think about it much before leaning in and kissing him again.

This time, it was a proper kiss. Harry's hand cupping the side of Zayn's face while Zayn was holding Harry's waist. The kiss was soft and sweet. They took their time, exploring and savouring the taste of each other's mouth. They were a bit breathless when they finally pulled away.

There was no awkwardness between them. Both smiling and grinning at each other. Light and goofy as always but Zayn didn't miss the bit of shyness behind that bright smile of Harry. There was a pinkness on his cheeks along that smile. The sight was so cute and adorable that Zayn just had to kiss him again.

So he did just that. And if Harry's smile was any indication, Zayn knew he didn't mess anything up.

I am not that much of a evil, see? 😈

I love/love y'all. xx

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