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It was 2014 when Zayn finally decided to accept his feelings for Harry. But first, he needed to talk to Perrie about it. Her band was now slowly but surely gaining attention and they were touring around the world.

Finally gathering some courage, he called her one night and told her everything from the beginning. She shed some tears, of course. Saying how he should have told her everything from the start. He apologised over and over again until she calmed down and told him to go with his heart.

They decided to keep this between themselves as both were at the peak of their careers and telling everyone about this just now could affect them. Zayn couldn't agree more because as much as he would like to be completely free, he knew it would be selfish of him to put the boys' and Perrie's careers at stake.

He decided to talk to Harry the next day.

They had just gotten back to the hotel after their performance in Brazil and Zayn was nervous as hell. While in the shower, he had been thinking about the ways he should approach Harry. Should he start by saying sorry? Or should he start by saying something else? But what should be this 'else'?

But every single thought flew out of the window when he knocked at Harry's door later that night.

"Zayn, what are you doing here, mate?" Harry gave him a bright smile as soon he opened the door to his hotel room. The smile that Zayn had missed so much. The smile that he used to kiss every morning.

His hair had gotten longer than the last time he had kissed Harry in 2013 - the day they (well, Harry) decided to stop this "friends with benefits" thing between them because it wouldn't be fair to Perrie. Zayn wanted to object but he stayed quiet, knowing what Harry was saying was right.

Now that Zayn was here, after months, now that he was finally free Zayn couldn't help himself but wanting to kiss Harry. So, he just did that. Without a word, he entered the room and pinned Harry against the closed door.

"Zayn, what ar-" but Harry couldn't get to finish the sentence because Zayn was kissing him now. Because it was easy for them like that.

"Zayn we can't." He heard Harry mumbled against his lips, but he was making no effort to pull away.

"I broke it off with Perrie."

Harry relaxed at that. He smiled against Zayn's lips and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. Zayn smiled, feeling the curly haired lad finally kissing him back. Their soft and sweet kiss soon turned into a passionate and hungry one when both of them started pulling at each other's clothes. It had been so long. So long since they touched each other like this. Felt each other like this. And none of them wanted to let go of each other.

As if the other would disappear if they loosen their hold even a bit.

They stumbled on their way to Harry's bed. Harry falling on his back with Zayn on top of him. By the time they got each other undressed, their lips were swollen, and pupils were dilated with lust. Their hands roamed everywhere on each other's body, not leaving even an inch as they devoured each other with their hands and mouths. Zayn slipped his hand under Harry's back and pulled him up a bit so that their bare, sweaty chests were touching now and kissed his already bruised mouth for the umpteenth time in that hour. Zayn pulled him even closer as he started thrusting into him.

"I missed you so much." Zayn mumbled against the side of Harry's sweaty neck, he moaned feeling Harry scratch down his back. "Missed you so fucking much."

"Me too." Harry choked out. "Fuck!" He cursed when Zayn changed his angle a bit and hit his prostate. Harry pulled the long hair at the back of Zayn's hair, hard and just like that, they both were coming undone.

The intensity of the orgasm made them pass out as soon as they climaxed. Harry groaned a bit when Zayn fell down on him like a limp. Harry's sticky come between their bodies making it uncomfortable for them to sleep but they were too tired and too spent out to even get up. So, they ignored the stickiness and let the sleep take over them.

Later that night, when they were freshly showered and lying naked under the covers of Harry's hotel room, Zayn finally decided to ask the question he had been meaning to ask the whole night.

"Harry?" Zayn asked looking at Harry in the dim light of the room. The light making Harry's features soft as ever and it also wasn't helping that Harry was smiling at him like that. Zayn didn't know what that was supposed to mean, but you don't look at your friend like the way Harry was looking at him.

"Hm?" Harry hummed but he wasn't taking his eyes off Zayn. Like he would disappear if he looked away for a second and it was making Zayn feel fuzzy from inside. He took Harry's hand in his and pulled it up to his chest. Harry's eyes drifting between their joined hands to Zayn's eyes.

"Would you - do you know why I broke it off with her?" Zayn whispered ever so softly in the dark. The only sound in the room was the light sound from the air conditioner which was soothing in its own way.

"No." Harry whispered back. "Why did you do that?"

"Wanted to be with you." Zayn admitted in a whisper before pulling their joined hands to his mouth and kissing his knuckles. "Do you want to be with me?"

Zayn's breath hitched, and his heart started beating faster when Harry leaned in softly and touched his lips with his own. And if the thumping of Harry's heart against his chest wasn't enough for an answer then his next word was.


This book is at #4 in canon :')

Thank you so much!!!!!!

Love/loce you all. xx

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