So This Is What Happened

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The tea was hot today

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The tea was hot today. Thank you fpr watching this steamy episode. Hope there no more episodes like this ever again 😂😂😂

So she blocked me after this. I am not surprised 😂 honestly, I was planning on letting it slip this evening but then she has been saying shits about my readers and friends and no one, no one can get away with it.

[Also, this is a warning to those who wanna mess with my readers/friends in the future. You can say shit about me all you want, I don't care but DON'T say shit about them. I won't tolerate that.]

P.S.S. I know what I am doing is immature but i guess, I am allowed to be immature sometimes, yeah?

And to every other writers who's idea she has ever stolen, we are in this together yeah? We have each other. She can deny all she want but the god above- he's watching everything. We know we are true and that's what matters the most ❤

Now I am.going back to studying for my exams. Wish me luck?


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