8. Engagement.

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They continued with their regular lives as before.

Touring all around with the rest of the band, Harry and Zayn sneaking kisses backstage, "kiss-pering" on stage, touching each other oh-so-obviously and occasionally rubbing crotches together in front of thousands of people.

The fans and Perrie thought it was just a friendly gesture while the other lads kept lecturing them about the possibility of them getting caught. Both Zayn and Harry just laughed it off but deep down, they both knew it could be possible.

They didn't talk about that night though.

Zayn didn't press on the subject thinking Harry didn't return his feelings. So, he tried to be happy with what Harry was giving him. If Harry wanted to keep up with their friends with benefits thing, then Zayn was going to take that. It's not like he could be with Harry even if Harry returned his feelings. The fans, his family, his religion - they just wouldnt accept his relationship with a bloke.

He had Perrie. Perrie who loved him so much, who was bubbly and always longed for Zayn. He had a responsibility towards her and he just couldn't shake everything off for his major crush on Harry.

Harry, who was beautiful and full of life. Harry, who listened to him and held him when he was missing his family on tour. Harry, with whom he could be himself. Harry, who didn't return his feelings.

Harry, whom he wanted to forget.

So, it didn't come as a surprise when he proposed to Perrie in July of 2013. Although it was Perrie's mom who popped the idea first to Zayn, he thought it was for the best.

Perrie understood him, trusted him.

They were just like best friends. Maybe marrying Perrie wouldn't be bad. Or so he thought.

Liam, Louis and Niall looked at him with disappointment when he told them about the sudden engagement.

"Have you told Harry about this?" Liam asked gently, making a lump form in Zayn's throat.

"Why?" Louis asked when Zayn shook his head at Liam's question.

"Can't." He only whispered. "I'll tell him soon." He added when the three lads glared at him. Although he really wondered when this "soon" would come. Because he didn't think he would ever be ready to tell Harry because no matter what, Harry was still a big part of his life. Not every day you tell your more-than-a-crush about your engagement with another person.

When he informed his mother about it over FaceTime, she just smiled at him gently.

"I hope what you are doing makes you happy, sunshine." She said. "Don't do something that your heart doesn't allow. Don't make decisions out of pressure. Be with someone who makes you happy. If she makes you happy then I am happy for you."

That day, for the first time Zayn thought, maybe his family knew him more than he thought they did.

Harry didn't say anything when Zayn informed him about the engagement just the day before the "This Is Us" premier. He gave him a tight hug and wished him best of luck for the life ahead of him. When they pulled away, Zayn tried not to notice the sad smile on Harry's face.

It confused him, really. If Harry didn't love him then why he was looking at him like Zayn had done something he was not supposed to do? He shrugged the feeling off because no, he couldn't think like that especially now that he was engaged. He had Perrie now. He couldn't think of Harry in more than a friend's way.

The fans were ecstatic after knowing about the engagement, much like Perrie herself. He saw the way she would look at the diamond ring every now and then with admiration. At the movie premier he stayed glued to Harry. He didn't do it on purpose, really. But then again maybe he did? Because he wanted to be as close to Harry as possible.

They did most of the interviews together and honestly, Zayn wanted to kiss Harry right in front of thousands of people when he saw how good Harry was with his family. How he was talking with his sisters sweetly while smiling politely at his parents. He didn't miss the fond look on Harry's face as well when he hugged Anne and Robin.

A while after then "Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart" by Ariana Grande came out. Zayn got to know from the internet that the song was written by Harry.

He listened to the song in the quiet of his room.

That night, Zayn thought maybe rushing into the engagement wasn't a good idea.

You guys will soon see things from Harry's POV. You know how much I like to make you wait 😂



Love/loce y'all. xx

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