Friday 20th July

37 6 16

(Left to right: Aria, Alicia, Mia)

It was the last day of the school year. I was spending lunch break with my friends when we started talking about what we were going to do during the holiday.

"My family and I are going to Australia," said our world traveller, Aria. Every summer, she always goes to a new country, and every time we return to school after the holiday, we always look forward to her stories about her visits. Last year was Paris, France, where she visited the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, and Notre-Dame de Paris. We are always fascinated by her experiences!

"We will be going to a theme park one of the days. I'm not sure which one though yet," Alicia whispered. She's new to the school so we befriended her. However, she is still a bit shy.

"I'll bet you anything I'll be stuck with babysitting every so often!" Mia moaned, and we all laughed. She is a big sister to 3 little sisters and 2 little brothers. She is always busy taking care of them. "What about you, Hazel?"

My turn. I rolled my eyes and asked, "What do you think?"

"Nothing!" They all giggled. They know how hard it is for me to do anything. My mum is a maid and my dad is a taxi driver. A great combination to earn some sort of living, I know. My usual routine for any holiday is: wake up, eat breakfast, watch a bit of TV, take care of my little sister while our parents are out, make lunch, read a book to my sister, play with my sister, eat dinner with my parents when they return from work, and sleep. It might seem relaxing and a bit fun but it gets boring when you do the same thing over and over again.

At the end of the day, we walked home together. We reached my house, said goodbye for the holiday and separated. I entered my house and was greeted by my aunt. She always picks up my little sister for my mum and then waits for me before leaving. "You've gotten a letter, my little flower," she said, locking the door. A letter? From who? I found it on the kitchen table and opened it. It was from a music company.

To Miss Hazel Jenner,

We are from the Star Melody Musical Company and we are writing to inform you that your song "Dreams" won the international music prize. You will be going to Los Angeles to meet your personal music mentor and become the next generation's no.1 pop star!

Of course, you will need your parents' permission to visit so that we can prepare your lessons.

We will be waiting for your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Star Melody Musical Company.

I read the letter twice, thrice. I was stunned. I don't believe it! But I must because the letter is right here in my hands, in real ink, on real paper! Star Melody Musical Company. It has always been my dream to be taught in Los Angeles by those mentors. Rumour has it that they are the kindest and most supportive people in the world. Even more supportive than my parents would ever be!

But how can I convince them to let me go there?

~Time skip~

"I'll be going to Los Angeles for the holidays with Aunt Lexi, if that's ok?" I asked my mum and dad when they returned.
"Absolutely not!" my mother shouted, "You will be so far away. How will we know you're ok?"
"You gave me my phone for a reason."
"You're not going with my sister and that's final!"
"That's not a reason!"

My aunt then stepped in, "Maisie, I am going to look after her. What do you think I will do?" She asked, very annoyed.
"Oh, I don't know, go off on your own adventure?" my mum replied.
"You're being childish!"
"I am only being a good mother."
"An over-protective mother. Hazel can't sit in the house all day and not see the world. Tell her, Oliver."

My dad took my mum by the arm and led her to the corner to discuss quietly. After some time, they finally agreed to let me go. I wrote a letter to the company saying that I will arrive tomorrow.

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