8. Home

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Ashton and i are back home. our 2 bedroom house. it's been the best thing. he brought me my piano from Andy's house. we've been really happy. Calum and i have been hanging out more often. Nikki has met someone. Luke is even making up with Calum and Michael.

"hey baby" Ashton grins as i stare at him laying on our bed reading. he closes the book and looks at me opening his arms. i run over and straddle him laying my head on his chest. "you're so beautiful" he says running his hands through my hair. i smile listening to his heart beat.

"i'm gonna go for a drive with the guys until later tonight is that okay?" he asked me. i sat up and looked at him raising an eye brow. "already?" i asked. he moved the pillows around looking at me "already what babe?" he asked. "already you're coming up with lies to cover cheating?" i asked

"what. No!" he said "no why. i saw what happened to luke after he cheated on you. trust me i don't want to be like him. and i know the boys wouldn't let me use them as a cover if i was. the would tell you right away" he told me and i chuckle a little. my phone starts ringing so i pick it up and read it. it was calum. i answered a held my phone up to my ear.

"i can't reach your husband, his phone may be dead. are you with him?" he asked. "yes i am" i told him. "tell him to pack a jumper or something it's gonna get cold?" he asked me and i laughed a little "i'll make sure he has one" i tell him and he thanks me before hanging up.

"calum was asking for you to take a jacket" i chuckled. i lean down and kiss his lips softly. i pull away and his eyes were full of lust. i kissed him again but it was a lot rougher. he rolled us over and pinned me down. his lips harshly kissed mine and i smile into it. he sat up and pulled his shirt off then came back and kissed me.

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