My First Day...

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"Join UA?!"
When All Might asked me if I would like to join UA, I honestly thought that I was dreaming, I wanted to join UA, but before the entrance exams, a lot had happened and I was going through depression, but to be asked that now, was like a dream come true!
" Hello? Answer the question already," Endeavour said with an annoyed look on his face.
"Yes I'd love to!" As I said them words I knew that I had just changed my life, for the better.

"Great! You can be in-"
"You can be in my class, 1A" Eraser Head said, rudely interrupting All Might.
"You start tomorrow, (Y/N),"
I stared blankly trying to process what was happening, and without realising it, the three heroes were gone.
"Crap, I really am late now..."

"You're late Miss (L/N)!" My teacher yelled from across the classroom.
I shut the door and sat down at my desk, "1A, isn't that the class that fought those villains who were trying to kill All Might?" I mumbled to myself, but my thoughts were going to have to wait as I was rudely interrupted by my teacher.
"What's the excuse this time (Y/N)?"
"Huh, oh right, my excuse, well, I'm gonna be attending a different school from tomorrow" I said quietly so the rest of the class wouldn't hear me.
"Why? What school are you going to be attending?" She said, gritting her teeth.
As I said that, the whole class turned and stared at me. I could feel my whole face turning red with embarrassment, and I could tell that people were confused and that they probably had millions of questions stuck in their head that they wanted to ask me.
You see, I attend a non-quirk school, so when I said that people were obviously confused why I would be attending UA if I didn't have a quirk.

For the rest of the day, I was surrounded by people who had millions of questions to ask me, and it was really hard to get by one lesson without being surrounded by my class mates.

When the day finally ended, I ran home to avoid any attention, but when I got back to my flat the door had been knocked down.

"What the heck?" I mumbled to myself. I tried my best to lean the door up against the wall so it would cover some of the entrance, but it just kept falling down.
"Ugh, I give up,"I said lying the door on the ground. I walked to where my bedroom was and saw something on my bed. I walked over and saw a package with a note attached to it.
The note read:
'Dear (Y/N),
Sorry about breaking your door down, but I couldn't get in to your flat to give you your uniform.

All Might.'

So he's responsible for my broken door, huh...
Oh well at least I have my uniform.

-Time Skip-

I woke up to a bright light stinging my eyes, and then I remembered that my door had been abused by All Might the day before.

Just as I was about to try and lean my door against the wall once more, I heard a knock on the wooden door frame.
"Hello?" Someone called.
I walked to the destroyed hall way and saw a girl standing there.
"Hi, I'm Ochaco Ururaka, but you can call me Ururaka," she said with a smile.

-Time Skip-

After I got dressed, me and Ururaka started walking to UA, she explained that All Might had sent her to get me as I might have gotten lost trying to find my class. I found out that she is also in the same class as me, so at least I have someone in my class I can talk to...

As we got to the school we bumped into a boy with messy green hair called Midoriya (but everyone calls him Deku).
As I took my first steps into UA, I knew that I was gonna have a bright future, and a future that my mum would've wanted me to have, but if my dad were around, it'd be different...


Hope you're liking this so far... Just to let you know... (Y/N) is based off my OC... (Y/N) quirks are:
Can turn into demon at will.
Like I said (Y/N) is based off MY OC...but obviously Todoroki and
(Y/N) aren't related... Because that'd be awkward... O_o
And yes I know, there is another character with Vines as her quirk, but your character uses her vines differently (her fire and ice are a lot stronger than Todoroki's...)

See ya!

-Holly 🔥❄️

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