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Me and Todoroki rounded the first corner, but ended up stopping in our tracks. My eyes widened in shock as what stood in front of us wasn't one of the robotic villains that the school had bought, it was a phantom
"How..." I whispered under my breath.
"How did a phantom make its way onto earth, only Satan can send them here!" I started to panic.
I suddenly felt someone grab my shoulders. As I came back to reality, I felt Todoroki shaking me and calling my name. I got free of his grasp and started running towards the spryte.
It may be huge, but I can kill it... Hopefully, I thought to myself.
I grasped the handle of my sword and flung it out of its case. I could hear Todoroki calling my name, but I ignored him and carried on running.
I jumped up and kicked the large, green monster in the face. It fell backwards and smacked down hard onto the ground. As I jumped into the air, the phantom got up and smacked me into a building. My back and I smacked down hard onto the ground, my vision was blurry, but I wouldn't let my dad win. I slowly got up and my sword swung above my head as I lunged myself towards the beast. I jumped. I swung my sword directly through its head, slicing it in half. I jumped down onto the ground, and ran towards Todoroki. I managed to grab his wrist and drag him down an alleyway, before the phantoms remains exploded.

I slumped against the wall, out of breath and covered in the phantoms blood. Todoroki sat down in front of me, noticing that I had cuts and bruises.
"Why the hell did you do that?! You could've gotten yourself killed!" he stated in an angry tone.
I hung my head.
"Well, only demons can kill those sons of bitches," I said, tears welling up in my eyes, not because of the pain, but, because my dad might actually be alive...

Tears started to stream down my cheeks and onto the concrete ground. I glanced up, only to see Todoroki looking at me in shock. I wiped my eyes and got up. I started limping as I had hurt my leg when the phantom slammed me against the wall.
"Ya know, phantoms probably won't get us any points, so we'd better get a move on," I said keeping my gaze to the ground.

--Time Skip--

After training, Mr Aizawa asked Uraraka to take me to see the nurse, Recovery Girl. I was still questioning how that phantom made its way to earth, but that would have to wait, I needed to apologize to Todoroki for snapping at him earlier. 

"Bye, Uraraka!" I waved at her as she ran off to catch up with Midoriya and Iida.

Down the corridor I saw someone come out of a classroom. It was Todoroki. He didn't seem to notice me, so I ran to catch up to him, I didn't are if it hurt, what hurt most was the guilt I was feeling. As I got closer to him, I slowed down.

"Todoroki!" I called, but he ignored me, continuing his walk down the corridor. I stood there, wondering if I actually hurt him that bad. I started running again. 

I grabbed his wrist and turned him round so we were facing each other.

"What?" he stated, sounding really annoyed.

"Listen, I'm sorry for snapping at you during training," I apologized, but, it seemed like he didn't care.

I let go of his wrist and started walking the other way, knowing I wasn't going to get through to him.

What can I do to make it up to you...?

=Time Skip=

I entered my quiet flat, still feeling really upset.

"So, I see you got my little gift? Did ya like it?"

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