Chapter 4: Sick

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I don't feel like doing anything today, but Paps insists that I get some fresh air, so I might as well go to my station. I stay close to Paps on the way there, considering what happened last time. The kid walks with us till the path splits and we go our separate ways. Papyrus notices me being a little more weary than usual and asks accordingly.
"Brother, are you sure you're okay out here? I know I told you to go outside, but if you aren't feeling well we could go back and-" 
"No, No it's okay Pap. 'Sides, I'd rather be out here with you anyways."
"Well, if you want, you could come join me on my patrol today. If you want to stay with me."
I don't really feel like walking today, but I guess it beats staying at home or the station.
"Sure Pap... Why not..."
Papyrus and Undyne work at the police station, Papyrus usually does patrols unless there's an emergency, hopefully it's just the patrol today. We go around checking the streets for any threats or crimes, or just anyone who needs help. We walk past an alley way and I see something in the corner of my eyesocket. I look and see the exact opposite of what I wanted to see today. A guy was beating up a girl in the alley.
"Hey bud!" I yell
He sees us and runs away. Papyrus was confused at first but soon realises what I was looking at and runs quickly towards the girl to heal her. He gives me an unsure look and I quickly realize what he's asking of me. So much for a smooth patrol. But I want to help my brother, so despite the sick feeling I've had all day, I turn around and start chasing after the person. Despite being lazy, I can be a pretty fast runner when I want to be, I soon catch up to the person and I hear Pap catch up yelling.
I tire out quickly, feeling more sick than before. I mean, it's not like I'm used to running for that long anyways. But feeling sick doesn't help. I figure the only way to catch up to him is to take a shortcut. I waited 'till I got closer so it wouldn't take too much energy. I manage to teleport right in front of the guy. But for some reason, that drained a lot more of my energy than it should've. Unable to move, I stand there shakily. Allowing the guy to run past me. All of a sudden, my body collapses.

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