Chapter 10: Questions

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Undyne POV

O-okay Sans, f-first question.
I hear Alphys say as I walk into the room. 'looks like Sans has calmed down'. I walk up and stand against the wall behind everyone crossing my arms, allowing Alphys to continue.
"Yesterday you were late to the picnic. W-where were you?"
I look at him to find an answer. He looks down and his eye lights go out as if he was deep in thought. He looks up and his eyes go back to normal.
"I told you, I ran into someone on the way."
'Wait a second. That's not what he said yesterday." I say in my head. Alphys and Papyrus must be thinking the same, they extange worried glances. Alphys continues.
"O-okay well, would you be able to tell me w-who you ran into?"
Once again, Sans dims his eyes leaving nothing but darkness where his pupils once were. He speaks slowly.
"It's... someone we've met before..."
"C-could you tell me their name?"
Sans pauses for a bit.
"... His name is F... AUGH!!!"
Sans grips his chest and starts breathing heavily. Papyrus puts his hands on Sans' shoulders.
"Sans? Sans! What's wrong?"
Sans calms his breathing down and looks at Papyrus.
"I have no idea what happened."
Alphys looks back down at the tablet and switches from her notes to the soul monitor. She looks at it then back up at Sans.
"I-I don't see a-anything wrong with your soul. It m-might've just been a bit of a-aftershock"
"Huh. Okay then."
Sans replys. I decide to pitch in.
"So punk. You gonna tell us the suspects name or what?"
"Huh? Oh yeah. His name is F... *cough cough* F... *cough*"
This is getting annoying. He coughs a few more times then looks back up at everyone.
"Uh... you sure there's nothing wrong?"
Alphys checks the monitor a few more times, then looks back up at him.
"N-no... but according to the monitor, nothing is wrong. Then again, this is a new illness to monsters. So the monitor may be a bit off."
Papyrus' face lights up.
"I, The Great Papyrus, have a great idea!"
Everyone looks to him.
"Since Sans is having trouble talking, how about he draws pictures instead!"
Alphys thinks for a moment.
"T-that is a good idea."
"Yeah. Good job bro."
Sans agrees.
"Nyeh heh heh! Of course it is!"
Papyrus sais proudly. Alphys leaves the room and comes back with a pencil and some paper. She hands them to sans.
"A-alright sans. Here. You can try to draw person. If you remember what they look like."
Sans takes the items.
"Trust me. That's one face I could never forget."
He sais as he starts drawing. But after awhile, I realize that he has a struggled look on his face. The perfectly good drawing he made suddenly gets scribbled out as he starts moving the pencil with alot more force than when he started out. After he does that, he picks up the paper and hands it to Alphys.
Alphys takes the paper. Looking at it.
"Uh... S-Sans? This d-doesn't make any sense. It doesn't look like a-anything."
Sans looks at it with a confused look on his face.
"What the... I didn't draw that."
Is this guy serious? I literally watched him scribble on the paper. Alphys hands him another sheet.
"H-here. Try again."
Sans takes the sheet, and does the same thing again! He hands the sheet back. And Alphys looks at it once again.
"Sans, is this s-some kind of joke? I kn-know you like joking around b-but this is serious."
Sans looks at the sheet, then back at her.
"I'm tellin' ya Alph, I didn't do it."
Okay, now I'm annoyed.
"I'm this some kind of joke to you!?"
I yell. Everyone looks at me.
"You could be in real danger! And you're trying to tell us you didn't scribble on the paper, when I WATCHED you do it a few seconds ago!"
Sans suddenly has an irritated look on his face.
"Undyne. I don't know how that happened. It was just, like that."
I walk over and pick him up by the shirt collar.
"Look punk! It's not that hard! Just tell us who did it!"
Alphys sais worriedly.
"Not until he tells us who it is!"
I say, looking back at sans. The look on his face scared me.
"Undyne... put me down"
He sais in a dark voice.
"N O W . . ."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2018 ⏰

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