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(Cammie's POV)

Ugh. I woke up and started getting ready for my first assignment as an assassin. I've trained for this day for years. I know I'm ready, the only problem is that this mission is a slow burn. That means it could take a few months before I can complete it. Let me tell you a little about who I work for, the organization I work for is called 'save the kids'. The organization started a few years back when a kid in Maine first killed his parents out of fear when they were beating, a policeman took him decided to do something about all of the parents in the world who are monsters, so he started to take those abused kids in and trained them. Now we find kids that are being abused at home, kill the parent or parents that are abusing them, and take them in and teach them to fight in hand to hand combat, and kill in multiple ways so that they can help us fight against terrible parents. I was in the program for a few years after they killed my father. I willingly joined the program, I believe in what they are doing. Now let me tell you about my mission, I must go back to high school, see if I can notice signs of a kid that is being abused. I know all of the signs, so it shouldn't be that hard. Then I have to gain their trust so that they tell me what's going on then I kill the abuser. If the kid doesn't want to join us then we have no choice but to kill them, it's really sad but we can't have the world know about us. We are an international organization after all.

After taking a shower, fixing my hair, and getting dressed, I looked at myself mirror. I have tan skin, emerald green eyes, and dark blonde hair. I gave myself a pep talk in the mirror and was ready to head to school. I pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. I got some weird looks and some seductive looks from the boys, little do they know that I am as straight as a circle. I got my schedule from the office and on my way out while looking at my schedule, I bumped into a girl. I tried to look at her, but she just kept looking down and she mumbled an "I'm sorry." She looked so small, almost like a child, her shoulders were slumped forward, and she refused to look up from her books. Red flag number one, kids that are abused try to avoid eye contact. There was something about her that made me feel like I wanted to protect her. I smiled at her and told her "No I should be the one who is sorry I wasn't paying attention, it's my fault." She started to walk away before I said, "I'm Cammie." She looked up with these gorgeous blue eyes that you could easily get lost in and quietly almost like a whisper said "Melissa." I shuddered at the sound of her name, but not in a bad way. I love her name. she had olive skin and long dark brown hair that flowed down to her lower back, she was absolutely stunning. I looked at her and smiled until some shoved her into the wall and laughed. She fell to the floor and looked down. I could tell she was about to cry. As the bell rang, I lifted her up and took her to the bathroom, so no one would see her cry. "Are you ok?" I asked with a hint of anger in my voice towards the person who shoved her. I could tell she heard the anger because she flinched at my tone. Red flag number two, even the slightest hint of anger can scare an abused kid. She didn't look up at me, so I, as gently as I could, grabbed her chin so that she was looking at me. "I'm not going to hurt you, and I'm definitely not mad at you." I brought us down to the floor up against the wall. She put her head into my chest and she sobbed into me while I told her that everything would be ok. I felt my shirt start to get wet, but I didn't care. I just wanted her to get it all out. After a few more minutes, she looked up "I-I'm sorry-y you shouldn't have t-to see m-me like this. You don't even k-know me," She stuttered. "Hey, it's ok. I just want to make sure you are ok." I told her with tears starting to pool in my eyes. She looked so broken and all I want to do anything to fix her. I kept whispering sweet nothings into her ear until she calmed down. "Do you want to skip school? We can go to my place if you want or we can go to yours." I asked her. "Can we go to your place?" she asked with hope. "Of course!" I say excitement running through voice. I push myself off the floor and help her up. We walk out to my blue mustang and head back to my place.

We get back to my place and go inside. Melissa looks around and walks to the kitchen. I'm curious as to why she chose to walk straight into the kitchen, but I have a few ideas but I'm not going to ask, not yet. "Do you want something to eat and drink?" I ask. "yes, please!" she almost shouted. When I asked if she wanted food, she looked up and I saw her eyes light up like fireworks on the fourth of July. she must not have eaten in a few days. That would explain why she's so small. Red flag number 3, some abusive parents don't feed their kids. I made her two turkey and cheese sandwiches and I made one for myself. She was so hungry she almost swallowed them whole. After we ate, we cuddled on the couch in my living room and watched a lot of movies until it was dark outside. Once Melissa checked the time she started to freak out. "Oh my god! It's 10:30 at night! I seriously need to go. Can you drive me? Please!!" She was so panicked. "Calm down, love. Of course, I'll drive you. Is everything ok?" I asked her even though I knew what was wrong. "Yeah, everything is fine. It's just past my curfew. My dad is going to kill me," she said. "well, before we go, here give me your phone," I told her, and she unlocked her phone and she handed it to me. I entered my phone number and texted myself. I looked at her and gave her the phone. "If you need anything, anything at all you call or text me okay?" I gave her a serious look and she nodded. "I mean it. No matter the time of day or night, I'll always answer. You are my friend now and I care about you," I told her. I kissed her forehead. I showed her out the door and to my car. I opened the passenger door for her then got in the driver's side. She gave me her address and I drove there. We sat in silence it was a comfortable silence.

Once I pulled up to the house we saw her dad already waiting at the door with bloodshot eyes and an angry smirk on his face. I knew something was going to happen tonight, but I couldn't do anything about it. the only thing I could do was ask "Are you sure you want to stay here? You can spend the night with me if you want. I even have clothes for you to borrow." I looked at her with concern. Once again, she wouldn't look up at me as if this entire day of gaining her trust didn't happen. She opened the car door and whispered "No, honestly I'll be ok, but thank you for today. It was the most fun I've had in a while." She got out, closed the door, and smiled at me, but her smile dropped as soon as she turned to see her father. She started walking towards the front door. Once she got up the step her father put his hand on her lower back and pushed her inside. It made my blood boil. I wanted to kill him, and I wanted to do it now. Patience Cammie, everything will happen in good time. I think I'm falling for this girl. I pulled out of her driveway and drove back to my house.

Once I got home, I got out of the car, went inside and to the basement, and started slamming my fist into the punching bag to take out my anger. I was pissed. I felt so helpless, I couldn't do anything to save her. Once I was done, I took a shower and headed to bed and Melissa was the only thing on my mind. I'm going to save her, and that's a promise.

~authors note~ 

Hello everyone. I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Teresa and I am 18 (almost 19). I am in college. When school starts my updates will be a little irregular, so please be patient This is my first story, so if you have any idea's on how I can improve my writing or the story, let me know. I would greatly appreciate the help. 

Thanks and I hope you enjoy.


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