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(Melissa's POV)

It's been a month ever since the car accident since I left Cammie in the car, and since she went missing or since her old boss got her. I wanted to go back and look for her but I didn't know where to start. I had the plane ticket that Cammie had gotten us and flew to Spain. There was already a car waiting for us, well me. So I am here now in the house hoping and praying to a god that doesn't exist, for Cammie to be ok. I feel so lost without her. I haven't been able to get out of bed, I miss her so much. I hope she finds her way back to me.

Four months have passed since I last saw Cammie. I'm starting to lose hope that I will ever see her again. I've gotten very depressed, haven't been eating or sleeping. I miss feeling her arms wrapped around me as we sleep. I miss her playing with my hair or rubbing her hand up and down my abs. It felt really comforting which is what I need right now. I don't know if she is even alive, right now, and yet I keep waiting for her. I started cutting again on my thighs and stomach. Cammie usually helps me deal with this. God, I miss her, and I really need her. I've been having nightmares about all of the horrible thing they could be doing to her If she's not already dead. If she is dead, I won't be able to live without her. She is my other half, my soulmate. I know it might be cheezy but it's completely true. I'm laying in bed, scrolling through pictures of me and Cammie. Tears were freely falling down my face, looking at how happy we were in the past. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I grabbed a razor and sat on the floor, I want to write a note in case Cammie is alive and call Ally to say goodbye, but I don't want to put this off any longer.

Honestly, I owe Ally a call, I haven't talked to her since the car ride to the airport. I dialed her number and after one ring I was met with her peppy voice. "Melissa, hey girl. It's been too long." "Yeah, it has been, Ally. I miss you so much," I started whimpering "Babe, are you crying," she asked. I sighed and she spoke up again. "What happened Melissa? You know you can talk to me." I started explaining everything that happened up to the car accident, how I left for Spain and how I am depressed and suicidal because I think she is dead. While I was telling her all of that I was slashing my arms with the razor. "Listen, love. I might not know Cammie at all, but I know that if she was dead she would want you to keep living for her," Ally was probably right, but I was too dizzy from the blood loss to care. Everything around me was starting to blur and go black before I passed out I saw the bathroom door broken down and Cammie standing above me, bloody and tears in her eyes and a stranger behind her.

(Cammie's POV)

For the past few months, I've been stuck in a cell, tied to a chair. Every few hours a new person comes in and starts beating the crap out of me. One person broke my foot using a tire iron. Most of the people that come in here just punch me in the stomach until I throw up blood. One of my old friends, Derek, at the organization, brings me food once a day. We talk until he has to leave, we mostly talk about old missions and Mel. He's really interested in our relationship. When you are working for the organization you aren't allowed to have relationships. Today is no different from any other day except it's very quiet. Nobody has been my cell all day, which I am grateful for, but it's odd. Suddenly an alarm goes off and Derek is running into my cell with two guns and cuts off my restraints. He handed me a gun and told me to shoot to kill. We are running through the compound towards the exit when I get shot in the shoulder. I stopped for a second before Derek dragged me by my arm. So enough we were free with only a few more minor injuries. Pretty soon we had bought tickets to Spain and were on the plane, taking off.

The minute we arrived in Spain, I hailed a taxi and Derek and I headed straight for the house. I didn't bother going to the hospital for the gunshot wound, because I just needed to see Mel. I opened the door and when I noticed nobody was in the living room, I walked down the hallway to the bedroom. Melissa wasn't in the bedroom, but the bathroom light was on. I put my ear against the door and I heard Mel crying and talking saying she's suicidal and wanted to die because she thought I was dead. I tried turning the doorknob but it was locked, so I kicked the door until it broke. There I saw, Mel sitting on the floor, her arms bloody, tears running down her face. she looked up at me for a few seconds, dropped her phone and passed out. I told Derek to clean her cuts and lay her on the bed.

I picked up the phone and heard someone on the other line. "Melissa, answer me, damn it." It was a female's voice. "Um hi. I'm Cammie, Melissa's girlfriend. I found her sitting on the floor, and her thighs were bloody. She passed out shortly after I opened the door, but I cleaned the cuts. I'll have her call you when she wakes up," I told the mystery girl. "oh my god. Ok thank you, Cammie, and by the way, my name is Ally. I'm Melissa's best friend," she told me. "Oh cool. I hope to meet you someday soon," I say genuinely wanting to meet her. "Yeah me too, well I'll let you go. Tell Melissa to call me." I tell her I will and with that, we hang up. By now Derek is already asleep in the guest bedroom. I took care of the bullet wound in my shoulder and go back into the room. Mel is still sleeping peacefully. I lay down next to her and wrap my arms around her. I missed this so much. I kissed her cheek and placed my head in the crook of her neck and cried myself to sleep. I love her so much.

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