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The flight was quiet. I was messaging our people on the inside of the facility that we would be in the states soon, and that once we at the facility one of them will let us in while the rest start a riot. Once inside Ally and Derek will join the riot, while the hacker let’s Mel and I into the bosses office. I made sure that everyone knew not to kill anyone unless absolutely necessary. I know that there will be bloodshed, but I want to prevent it as much as possible. Now that we are on the ground it's time to get to work. We went to a safe house to grab weapons and now Derek is driving us to our target.
We were let into the build and Mel and I separated from Ally and Derek.  We could here shouting and gun fire behind us. I knew Melissa was nervous, I grabbed her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. “We're going to be fine. It will be over soon and we will be free,” I whispered in her ear. She just nodded and continued walking. When we reached the door, our harker used his fingerprint and let us in. We stormed in and pointed our guns at the bosses head sitting in his chair.
“I knew you were coming, cammie.” He spun his chair around and I got a good look at his face. He was my father, the one that my mother had told me he left because of me. “Don’t fucking move,” I screamed at him. “How are you here? How are you in charge?” I have so many questions but those are the biggest ones for right now. “This organization has been in my family for generations. Starting with my great great great grandfather. He built this place from the ground up to save kids around the world. The oldest Male in the family takes over.” I stood there staring at him “Is it true? That you left my mom because of me,” I wanted no needed to know the answer. He looked at me as if trying to read my expression. I just kept my blank stare. “Yes and no. No, I left because it was my time to take this place over. Also yes because I knew that as soon as I took over I needed to save you and that’s what I did,” he explained. “You and your family have killed many innocent kids as well. How could you be ok with that?” He shook his head. “ It was to protect the secrecy of this place!” He yelled, making Melissa flinch. I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into my side. Once she was next to me, she lifted her gun and pointed it at his face again. As soon as he said that the lives of kids were worth losing, I lost my shit. “I don’t care. You never kill children.” And with that I point the gun at his head with my finger on the trigger.
As I'm about to pull it, my father grabs the gun from my hand and throws it to the side. He slams me into the wall and grabs me by the collar of my shirt. I punch him in the face twice before pushing him off me. I throw all of my weight on him and force him to the ground. I wrap my hands around his neck trying to choke him, but he manages to flip us over and now he has his hands squeezing my neck. I see the corners of my vision start to fade to black, when suddenly I hear a gunshot and my fathers grip goes limp, his body collapsed on top of me.
I roll his dead body off to my side and see a bullet hole in his forehead. I look to Melissa, her body is shaking slightly. I run over to her and pull her body into mine as her entire body gives out. The gun falls out of Mel's hand it seemed to be going in slow motion. I take a few minutes to calm Melissa down, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. "He almost killed you," she whispered. I can't help but smile as I tell her "But you saved me and that's all that matters. "
After Melissa calmed down and wiped the tears from her eyes, we walked out of the office and to the main area where the riot was happening and shot the ceiling, getting everyone's attention. “This place is officially out of business. You are all free. Go out and live your lives,” I shouted and with that everyone left. Mel and I ran up to Ally and Derek and all hugged each other. We walked out and left to our hotel.
(Melissa's POV)
It's been about a year since cammie killed her father and disbanded the organization. We have been doing well. Life is going good. We bought a house and moved in together. Ally and Derek started dating a few months ago and moved in to the across the street from us last week. Now, today cammie and I are getting married. I’m crazy nervous, but there’s nobody else in the world that I would rather marry. I am currently looking at the myself in the mirror I’m in my wedding dress when I see Ally coming up behind me. “You look stunning, love.” She tells me. I smile and thank her. She also tells me that it's time.
“Melissa, do you take Cammie to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live,” the priest asks looking at me. Cammie looks so dashing in her suit. She doesn't really like dresses, so she choose a suit. “I absolutely do.”
(Cammie’s POV)
Mel just said I do. She looks gorgeous in that dress. Well she looks gorgeous in anything she wears but anyways. I can't believe today is finally here. It's been a long time coming since I first met Melissa but honestly we made it, and I’m thankful that we did. The priest is asking me the same shit he asked Mel. Honestly I'm not paying attention. I’m too busy admiring my wife to be. Once he stops talking, I smile and scream “Hell yeah, you bet your ass I do!!” He laughs and says “The brides may now kiss.” I swept Melissa of her feet and into my arms bridal style. She put her arms around my neck and we kissed for what felt like an eternity.
(The End)

Thank you everyone for reading I hope you enjoyed and remember to leave me some feed back.

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