Minho 「One in the Same pt. 2」

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With your hand holding onto his now, you make your way out of the restaurant and drag him to a place you wanted to show you him.

"You know (Y/N), I wasn't done with my noodles." he pouts looking back towards the restaurant.

"That's okay. You do live there so you can eat some whenever you please." you say dodging the objects in front of you, as you pull him along.

Under a path of cherry blossom trees, you walk still holding his hand. The pink petals above you occasionally fall around you making the atmosphere feel sorta romantic but you push those thoughts out of your head since he probably doesn't see you that way.

From behind you, Minho stares in awe at all the trees and his eyes slowly make his way towards you.

His eyes lit up seeing you. Your smooth features and silky hair mesmerize him but your eyes are what he adores the most.

They say the eyes are a window to the soul and since the first time he saw them, he was transfixed.

After about 15 minutes, you arrived to the place you wanted to show him.

You made your way to a small plaza of two story stores and made your way

You stood in front of a frozen yogurt shop. You pushed through the doors as the little bell rang.

"Welcome to my home!" You exclaimed and raised you hands showing him the inside.

"Wow, you live in a restaurant too!" Minho said wide eyed. He looked around your place and saw small origami cranes decorating the tables.

"Did you make these?" he asked picking one up.

"Yeah I did. I thought it would be a nice decoration." Picking one up, you replied.

He held his up and began to move it around as if it were flying.

"Hello (Y/N), who's this?" Your mother calls from behind the cashier.

"This is Minho, my friend from school," you gesture towards him.

"Nice to meet you" he bows towards your mom.

"It's nice to meet you as well," your mother smiles warmly. "Would you all like something?"

"Yes! Wait here Minho, I'll pick something for you," you smile and walk over to the frozen yogurt dispensers.

Minho takes a sear by the window and looks outside. But through the glass, he was able to see your reflection and watches you carefully.

He sees your every move and slowly realizes he might like you and something tells him you may have some sort of interest in him.

You return and place the dessert in front of him and take your seat in front of him.

"(Y/n), do you want to go on a date?"

You stop eating and with a spoon in your mouth, you look up and lock eyes with him.

"A-a date?" you ask shocked at his blunt question.

"Yeah, you know what those are right? Two people meet up and hang out but like a romantic hang out" he chuckles.

"I know what a date is Minho, but I wasn't expecting that" you blush just a tiny bit and avert his eyes.

"Haha, sorry." He smiles widely, scrunching his eyes. "But what do you say?"

"Sure," you say looking back at him.

His smiles profoundly one last time and eats his yogurt.

You both sit and and talk some more, eating the yogurt till the sun sets and you both are filled worj yogurt.

Ah here's part two and sorry it took so long

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Ah here's part two and sorry it took so long.

And the teasers omg, changbin looked so good ;-;

I hope you all enjoyed and have a wonderful day!

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