Chapter 2

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Nathan Shaw

September 2, 2015: Nine Months Before

---Counsel Session---

It's great seeing you again. I still can't believe it's been over a year since our last session.

Wow! Has it really been that long?

Yep! Time just flew by.

How is your family doing?

They're all good. Mom started back doing her dressmaking again. She spends most of the days in her sewing room, designing and sewing all kinds of outfits. I guess she plans on selling her designs to retailers. Bryan is still doing his thing. He was recently made the quarterback of the football team and is pretty ecstatic about that. As for my stepfather, he is currently working toward his campaign for mayor. Did you know he is running next year?

Actually, it wasn't until recently that I found out.

Oh. Well, yeah, he's running in the upcoming election and has already started arranging his campaign. The entire family is going to be very involved throughout much of the campaign.

Really? How so?

Just by doing interviews, photo shoots, and stuff like that together. I guess Scott wants to create a wholesome family image and center part of his campaign on that. So look out for us because eventually, you'll be seeing a lot of the four of us all over in the media and whatnot.

Okay! So how about you, Nathan? How have you been?

I'm doing really well right now honestly. I truly can't say that I have any complaints. I have quite a lot to be thankful for. Life, family, food, nice clothes, a nice home, and so much more.

Are you still living in the same house?

No. We moved shortly after the last time we saw each other. The new house isn't too far away from the old one but this house is much better. A lot more rooms, a bigger yard, a nice lawn, and so on. The new neighborhood is a lot better as well. It's clean, the neighbors are friendly, and the houses aren't too close to each other. This time of the year is my favorite as the leaves on the trees start turning yellow and at sunset, the light makes the entire neighborhood have this orange-colored glare that complements the leaves. It's a very stunning scenery to look at.

That really does sound beautiful. And you seem to be doing quite well.

Yes. All in all, I'm in a very happy place in my life at the moment. As I'm sure you remember, when I came here regularly before, I was in a very bad state as I was still traumatized as a result of my father's death. But you got me through that and I'm forever indebted to you for that. I'm hoping that we can have more discussions together. But only positive ones this time though. For some reason, I just really like talking and having discussions with you and also getting your advice. That's why I'm back here today and I hope to come back again.

Wow! I really appreciate your gratitude, Nathan. I'm glad that I was able to help you get through and eventually overcome such a tragic time in your life. And of course, you know that I'm always here for you. So, what would you like to talk about first?

Okay, so the new school year starts next week Monday. By the way, this is my senior year in high school. Believe it or not, I'm still uncertain about what I'd like to do career-wise in the future. I have a life goal and as such, there's a career path that I have in mind in order to get to that goal but I just don't know if I'll be able to accomplish what I want and I don't want to spend years of my life working toward something that never happens.

Do you mind telling me what the life goal you have is?

My goal is to be notable. I want to be well known for whatever career field I end up in. Also, like almost everyone in the world, I want to be rich and have my own empire.

Okay. That's a good goal to set for yourself. And what is the career path you have in mind?

Actually, it's more than one career path that I have in mind but they're all along the lines of a career in art. Like an artist or painter. I'm mostly interested in becoming an author though.

An author? Wow! Have you written a lot of works?

Yes. There are a lot of short stories that I've written. There's a story that I'm currently working on that really stands out in my opinion. But I'm not ready to share it or any of the others yet.

That's fine. Here's what I have to say. First of all, I know that it's a bit scary when the time comes to choose a career. People often question themselves and weigh their odds. But I think that when a person has a dream they shouldn't give up on it. As long as they go about it in a smart way so as to not end up on the streets. You're still very young and have your whole life ahead of you; so keep working toward that dream of yours! Promise me that you will!

Okay, Dr. Coombs. Don't worry. I promise!

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