Chapter 11

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Bryan Shaw

June 5, 2016: Two Days Missing

This can't be real. I swear I just saw something like the back of a human head in that plastic bag in the freezer. It scared the shit out of me. I swiftly backed away after glimpsing it and ended up tripping over a bucket; so now I'm on the floor in shock. Despite being terrified, I went to take a closer look to make sure that my eyes weren't deceiving me. Sweet Jesus! There really is a dead body in here. Now I just need to see the face. The head is kind of stuck faced downward because of all the frost so now I have to try tugging it. Gosh, I feel so shaky right now.

Shit! I just heard the front door open. It has to be Denise. I have to get out of here now. Dammit! I don't know how to get the garage door open. And I can't go running back into the house with Denise there. I'm gonna wait until she leaves but I still need a weapon. Shit. Shit. Shit. I just accidentally knocked over a jar of nails. I wonder if Denise heard. Yep, she heard. I can hear footsteps coming this way; so I crouched down next to the freezer. I can hear Denise getting closer. My heart is racing. I wish I had my cell phone. I am trapped. Denise is now in the garage. I know she knows that someone is in here because all the stuff that was on top of the freezer is now scattered on the ground. I can't see her but it sounds like she just took up some kind of steel iron or pipe. Oh crap! This psycho bitch is going to kill me. I reached for a wrench that was next to me on the floor and threw it across the garage to create a distraction. Without hesitation, I bolted out of the garage and headed for the front door. Before I could unlock the door chain, I saw Denise running toward me with the steel pipe. The only thing I could do at that point was swiftly run up the stairs which are right by the door.

"What the hell are you doing in my house?!" she yelled furiously, from the foot of the stairs.

"Why is there a dead body in your freezer?" I asked, from the top of the stairs.

"That's none of your business! You have some nerve to search my house!" she exclaimed.

"Soon it will be everyone's business! There's no way out of this, you psycho!" I said.

I then saw a side of Denise that I had never seen before. It's almost as if she transformed into a furious beast. Her face all red and twisted, her nostrils flaring, and her hand with the steel pipe well-clenched. She then proceeded to run up the stairs to get to me.

"By the time I'm done with you, you'll be dead just like your brother!" she said as she ran.

When she said that, it ticked me off. Now I'm the one in a fit of anger. I ran into one of the bedrooms and left the door open for her to find me. I stood behind the wall by the door and waited for her to enter. When she came through the door, I tripped her and she fell to the floor. The steel pipe fell out of her hand and I managed to get a hold of it before she could retrieve it. When she tried to get up, I used the pipe to knock her in the back of her head. While she was down, I used the landline in the room to call the cops.

I'm here monitoring Denise to ensure that she can't escape before the cops arrive. I locked her in the closet after dragging her in there and barricading the door. Now I'm only worried about Mom. I've been trying to call her for a while now but she isn't picking up. And I can't go over to check on her because then Denise would be left here alone. Oh, Thank God! The cops are finally here.

I told the cops about the body in the freezer and everything else that recently happened. Leaving Denise in the hands of the cops, I ran over to my house to check on Mom. I found her in the kitchen, about to take some soup from the pot.

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