Chapter 4

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Nathan Shaw

October 7, 2015: Eight Months Before

---Counsel Session---

Look at this! I brought you an exclusive picture of me and my family's very first magazine cover together. We have our own cover story in it as well. It will hit newsstands next week.

Wow! This is a really nice cover. The four of you look good. Did you enjoy the photo shoot?

It was alright, I guess. It's not something that I'm used to or something that I particularly enjoy doing but I don't really mind it. Although, it was honestly a bit awkward for me at first as I'm a bit camera shy and so I didn't really know how to, as some would say 'work the camera', but eventually I got into it and managed to pull off a few decent poses. Seeing the rest of my family make it look effortless kind of made me feel like an amateur though.

There's nothing wrong with that. This is something that's new to you so of course you'd feel a bit amateurish at first. Listen, Nathan, in life, you can't and should not judge yourself based on other people. There will always be one person who seems to be much better at something than you. You just have to do you. See, you did the shoot and now here is a great picture of you.

Okay, I hear you. You know we actually did the photo shoot for the magazine over three weeks ago. It was originally supposed to come out earlier this week but Scott asked the publishers to release it next week instead because he wants its release to coincide with an interview our family did together that will air next week. That interview was taped two days ago.

You did an interview as well? How did that go?

It wasn't bad. I didn't have much talking to do. The interviewer asked me and Bryan for our opinion on if young people spent too much time on social media nowadays but I didn't really have much of a response for that as I don't have any social media accounts.

Hold on! You still don't have any social media accounts?

No, I don't. I'm just not really into all that. Do you think that's a bad thing?

Of course not. It's just a bit unusual for a young and attractive teen like yourself to not have any social media accounts in this day and age. That certainly sets you apart from the rest but definitely not in a bad way. Social media isn't for everyone anyway. My accounts are strictly for business only. Social media can be weird. My husband's dog has two different accounts.

I'm sorry, what? Are you kidding?

I wish I was kidding. He dedicated two different social media accounts to our dog and handles the accounts himself in his spare time. He uses the accounts to post corny dog-related puns in the form of memes. Like a picture of a dog at the dentist's office reading a book about canines.

Oh. I get it. That's kind of funny, I guess.

Other people seem to think so too as he has gained his own little following on both of the accounts. But anyway, enough of that. So what else did you talk about in the interview?

Nothing else.

You were only asked that one question?

Yes, but it was only a short interview anyway. And for most of it, Scott talked about that new C.E.N.R. foundation he started recently. The California Environment and Natural Resources Foundation. He is trying to raise money to help better preserve our city's natural environment.

I've heard about that. I think his long-term goals for that foundation are outstanding.

Have you read up on the foundation online?

Actually, the other day I watched a video of your stepdad discussing it at a conference. With those plans he has for the foundation, I think he already has a decent amount of supporters on his side. He's such a great speaker too. And the way he carries himself is just so exceptional.

Whoa! Tell me how you really feel, doctor!

Oh God, no! Let's not even go there.

I was only kidding. But speaking of Scott, the thing with him is that he isn't like how he seems in public. People should see him around the house. He is certainly not the prince charming that he appears to be in interviews and whatnot. When he's ready he'll curse like a sailor. Also, no one would ever want to be around him after he has a large meal. That's when the barn animal in him comes out. He'd walk around with his post-dinner gut showing, burping and farting all over the place. He's a very different person when the cameras aren't around. Just saying.

You know Nathan, we've never really talked about how you and your stepdad get along.

Well, he certainly gets along much better with Bryan. I don't think he's too fond of me.

What makes you say that?

Hm. It's complicated. I don't really know how to explain it. It's just that... Um. I don't know what to say. And to be honest, I don't really feel like talking about this right now.

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