Chapter 7

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Bryan Shaw

June 5, 2016: Two Days Missing

It's hard getting out of bed knowing the day is destined to be another bad one. It is 9:00 a.m. right now and I feel stuck. I don't feel like doing anything or going anywhere. I'm just not in a good mood. The fact that I barely got any sleep last night doesn't help. Neither does the fact that there is nothing particularly good to look forward to today. It'd be good to find out that the blood from the arcade isn't Nathan's but that doesn't change the fact that he is still missing and is most likely in danger at this moment. We now have less than 24 hours to wire the money or God knows what will happen to him. I don't know what Detective Macklin is up to. She said to give her 24 hours to find Nathan before resorting to wiring the money but I'm worried that she might be taking too long. Even worse, I'm worried that Nathan's kidnappers will find out that we notified the police and then harm him. I'm just worried all-around. I'm especially anxious about what is on the video footage from the security camera at the arcade that we have yet to hear more about. Ugh. There's so much stuff to deal with. I just wish that Nathan wasn't caught up in all of it.

I must admit that I feel a bit of guilt where Nathan is concerned. I used to always be there to look out for him and now it's like I've let him slip through my fingers. I didn't even know that he was going to the arcade that evening. This is in part due to how much we've sort of grown apart in recent years. For some reason, we have become a bit distant, unlike when we were younger. Still, he's my little brother and he always will be. I don't know what I'd do if something bad happens to him or if, God forbid, he ends up dead.

My stomach is growling right now. The last time I ate was yesterday afternoon and that sandwich was all I had. I guess it's time to finally get out of bed. Heading to the kitchen, I saw Mom and Denise chatting by the door. I hope Mom isn't telling her about our situation. It's best to keep the matter private. I was thinking about going up to them but why even bother. I can imagine a dark cloud looming over the house on this sunny day. The energy around the house is just so dreary and monotonous now. Even putting some water in the kettle feels like a hefty task. I almost feel lost as I look at the water running from the tap. My brain isn't really functioning correctly at the moment. I can't even remember where we keep the bread. Never mind, I found it. Now here comes Mom.

"Morning! I'm making toast. You want?" I asked her.

"No thanks. I'm not really hungry," she responded, in a drained tone.

"Mom, you have to eat something. When was the last time you ate?" I asked.

"Okay fine. But I don't want toast. Just give me a slice of bread with butter," she said.

"Where's Scott?" I asked her.

"He's upstairs, still in bed," she told me.

Well, at least Scott seems to be able to get some decent sleep. It's quite obvious that Mom wasn't as fortunate. She looks so distraught. It's expected but it's just so very evident on her face. The two of us sat at the counter in the kitchen and tried to eat, despite not having much of an appetite. Never has it been so difficult for me to eat anything.

Around 10:30 a.m., we got a call from Detective Macklin telling us that we needed to come down to the station urgently. I didn't like the idea that we had to go down to the station again when we aren't supposed to be seen there but the three of us quickly got dressed and rushed there since the detective said it was important. Macklin took us through the back door once again and led us to her office. She had a distressing look on her face as she was ushering us into the room. We sat nervously to hear what she had to say.

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