Chapter 12 - you already know

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~Author’s POV~

So yeah, Lauren was in deep thoughts and fell asleep while she was waiting for Tom to come back.  And as for Tom, well he’s a celebrity he has busy schedules. Interviews and other appointments filled his day but luckily he was still able to go home (late).

~Lauren’s POV~

I woke up to the sound of someone opening the door. It was Tom looking so tired. His eyes were checking the room for the sign of Nanny Jenkins and Ryan but couldn’t find them.

“Where are they?” he asked while taking off his coat.

“They went back home, father told them to do so.” I replied sitting up.

“So we’re alone?”

“..uhm yes, father also wants me to go back home too so I went back here to say thank you for helping me.”

He pulled out a wine from a drawer near the kitchen and headed back to the couch and placed a bottle of wine and 2 wine glasses on the table.

“Then we shall drink, cheers maybe since you and your father are alright now.” He said while pouring wine on both glasses. He handed one to me, toasted and started drinking.

He said next to me, silence filled the space. I put my attention on his glass, he already finished his first glass and poured his second one.

Upon finishing his second glass, he rested the empty glass on the table. I realized that I haven’t finished drinking my wine.

“so..about Brian..” he cracked

“Hey, it’s ok. We don’t need to talk about him, it’s just us here, no presence of him ahaha!”

“Hmm so it’s just us. No more, no less.”

“yeeeaaah.” I let out a long reply.

Tom was silently starring in my eyes. To keep it from being awkward, I looked down to the glass that I was holding.

“so if its all the same now, why don’t you stay with me a little longer.” Tom said.

I nodded at him and decided to take a sip from my glass.

He moved in closer to me, his face was really near to mine. The only thing in between us is the glass touching my mouth. Tom got hold of my hand, which was holding the glass and lowered it, bringing the glass to the table. I leaned back from him but realized it was the end of the couch making it impossible for me to make another move.

His hands held the back of my neck, bringing my face closer to his, he tilt his head, eyes were closed and his lips touched mine. At first it was a soft kiss, the one normally Tom gives but after awhile it was starting to turn into a deep kiss (French maybe?).

I gave in to his kiss. I put my hands on his chest to lightly push him off me, hey I needed to breathe don’t I? After gasping for air, he continued with his French kiss.

He carried me to his bed, still not breaking the kiss. I am new to this but I was unaware I was already helping him undress and so was he doing the same thing to me.

The only light is from a lampshade in his room, nothing more nothing less. I got to say he’s got the body of a God. He was on top of me, pinning me down on the bed.


~Author’s POV~

Guys, we all know what’s gonna happen don’t we? Need I say more?


 *will be posting chapter 13 soon!

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