Chapter 12: You Can Scream From Pain Later

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Negan being Negan he only cares for himself, so I see how he wouldn't hesitate to drop me down this dark pit to...... wait. "You drop me then what? You'd still be up here with Rick. Who is going to shoot you either way." I tell him.

He thought for a second. I think I had him. He was about to say something until the door busted open. Upon seeing Rick, Negan nudged me a bit closer to the hole. Rick stood there holding a gun toward Negan.

"Why must you make everything so difficult?" Negan asked. "This is between me and you. Let her go." Rick told him. "Let her go?" Negan asked with a smirk. Knowing what he meant I held on to his arm. "No! Don't-" Negan cut him off. "Oh relax!" Negan told him.

"I really wouldn't want to hurt her. She was very useful to me." He continued. "Was. As in not so much anymore." Negan said with a shrug looking at me. As I looked into his eyes I stepped a bit closer then straight up kneed him in the groin.

He immediately let go of me making me fall into the dark hole. I landed on my back with a loud thud. I fell on something making this hurt twice as bad. I couldn't see what it was but with my best guess it was wooden planks.

"Selena!" My dad called. I looked up at the hole. I could see Negan on his knees holding his groin. His bat rolled and fell down the hole. I was about to reply but the next thing I knew Negan had slipped down the hole. But he did it intentionally.

My back stung with pain as I stood up. "I'm ok." I finally replied. "Let's see how long that lasts." Negan muttered as he stood. My eyes widen. I quickly made my way away from him. "Come here!" Negan harshly told me as he walked toward me. It hurt like hell for me to walk but I was too scared to stop.

The further I went the darker it got. I've taken some turns. This place was huge. "Here kitty kitty." I heard Negan. I decided my best bet was to sit quietly. Every time I moved I made noise. "I'm coming Selena." I heard my dad say. "Not if I get to her first!" Negan replied.

By the sound of Negan's voice he was definitely closer. I heard faint growls. The sound of a walker. I wasn't sure where the sound was coming from until something grabbed my leg. I almost let out a huge scream then someone covered my mouth. "You can scream from pain later." Negan whispered in my ear.

He continued to hold his hand over my mouth. "Get. Up." He said through gritted teeth. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I repeated but to him this only sounded like mumbles. He removed his hand then yanked me on my feet and I couldn't help but let out a slight scream. This was extremely painful considering what my body has been through today.

He grabbed my bad hand tight. "Walk." He commanded yet again through gritted teeth. I gasped a little but did what I was told and walked. "N-Negan I'm-" I started but was cut off. "You think you're in pain now? Just wait sweetheart and I'll show you real pain." He told me. Tears where slowly falling from my eyes.

"I won't let him take you again." I heard my dad's voice echo. "I save people. You should have just let me save you Rick! Now look where we are." Negan said. "You can't save anyone because you don't care about anybody. You use people. To bring you food. To sleep with you-" I looked at Negan seeing him looking at me. He slightly shook his head.

"To protect you the only thing you care about is this bat. And you couldn't even save that." Rick said with a small chuckle. Negan was Beyond pissed. "I'll let you kiss her goodbye."  Rick muttered. "DON'T YOU TOUCH HER." Negan said walking away from me. I took this chance to sprint the complete other way. "Come get her." Rick replied.

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