Chapter 1

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An ominous wind whipped through the trees, carrying with it the promise of a summer storm. The full moon shone brightly, easily providing light to the woman who stood in the middle of a clearing. A shadow descended upon her, slinking out of the shadows of the forest behind her. The air grew thick with the evil aura emanating from the cloaked being. The presence felt suffocating, it's negative energy draining all life from the area. Where once there were the faint sounds of the forest at night, there was now a deafening silence. "You came alone witch. I'm surprised." A deep gravelly voice vibrated through the air.

The woman stood completely still, a small smirk crossing her rosy lips. "There wasn't any other way, I won't risk the lives of my cove. You know that." She replied as she turned to face the demon who'd long hunted her. She'd known this day would come eventually. She couldn't hide forever. As imagines of his face swam through her mind a wave of guilt and sadness washed over her. He wouldn't understand why she was doing this. She just hoped eventually he would forgive her and live a full and happy life without her. The moon cast an eerie silver glow on the ground as she pushed those feelings and thoughts aside. It didn't matter now. There was nothing she could do about it. She couldn't change the path they were on right now even if she wanted to. Her long skirt and the cloak she wore fastened around her slim shoulders billowed in the wind. The chill biting painfully at her exposed face. Her auburn hair falling from the braid she'd done earlier, swirling down her back in soft waves. Her olive green eyes showed nothing of the turmoil she'd just felt wracking through her soul. "Let us be on with it demon, no sense delaying the inevitable. You came here for my powers, so come and take them." She challenged, the small smirk still on her lips. The moment the foul creature before her stepped within range of her she could feel it's sticky aura becoming more oppressive. Almost like it was trying to smother her. This was it, this was going to be the end. If everything went according to play the demon would possess her, and her coven would come out from the forest and end this miserable being once and for all. She'd already ensure this beast never got ahold of her powers, she just hoped that it would be enough. Glancing up at the last night sky she'd ever see she noted the slight red tint to the moon, as if it knew that blood would be spilt here tonight. Closing her eyes she drew a calm breath as all sound around her disappeared, only the thumping of her heart in her chest filling her ears as she waited for oblivion to claim her.

Zoey jerked awake, a cold sweat pouring down her back as she looked around frantically. Her skin felt sticky, as if she could feel that thing from her dreams here still. With a few deep calming breaths she closed her eyes and tried to shake the feeling. "It was just a dream, you're alright." She whispered to herself over and over again until she felt her heart returning to a normal thudding in her chest. Looking over at the clock she let out a loud and irritated groan. "You've gotta be kidding me." She muttered as she flung herself back into the mountain of pillows behind her. It was only three am. This wasn't happening again. Turning away from the clock she tried to get back to sleep, to no avail. She couldn't shake the sticky feeling and the images from her dream. Who was that woman? Why did she look exactly like her? "It was a dream, it didn't mean anything." She whispered to herself annoyed that she was still even awake. She had a big day ahead of her, and she wanted to be rested. Apparently the universe had other plans for her today. With another sigh after three hours of tossing and turning she decided to get showered and just get back on the road. She still had a few hours before she reached her destination. As her feet hit the wooden floor she felt it groan underneath her weight. Her stomach fluttered with nervousness as she thought about where she was headed. She hadn't been there in so many years, she wondered if her grandmother would even recognize her after all this time. "Let's just get this show on the road." She mumbled to herself as she headed to the small bathroom in her hotel room to shower and dress for the day.

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