Damian X Reader

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Your going to read the best book ever created then go to another book cause this ones crap.
XD any way on with the book.)

Great just Great... Late again...
I was running through the Now empty halls of Gotham Academy. I know what your thinking schools probably over...Wrong double wrong if you will, it's the beginning of the day and I'm thirty minutes late.
{time skip brought to you by Batman saying ouch and Alfred making fun of him for it}
Finally got to class, I was standing just out side the door, if I open the door Ill be embarrassed and I'll get in trouble...But if I leave the school they might think I'm just having a sick day...
Wait I forgot parents... ahh what the heck.
I quickly opened the door and stepped inside.
"Ah (Y/N) your late" Mrs. Burgenson said in an angry tone.
"What I'm not late, I'm just early for tomorrow" I sassed as I rolled my eyes. I heard some the class snickering, at my comment.
"*sigh* Just take your seat" she said, not as stern but with a small hint of amusement, in her voice.
I turn to take my seat, which sits right in front of my very rich and amazing best friend, Damian Wayne. Who was smirking at me, I gave him and playful glare as I walked over and sat in my desk in front of him.
"What are you smirking at" i asked, as I turned around to face him.
"Oh if you were paying attention, you would know I was smirking at you,but since we are talking about you I'm surprised you even noticed (Y/L/N)" Damian said with almost no emotion what so ever as always.
"Oh ha ha ha, your sarcasm was so funny I almost forgot to laugh" I said rolling my eyes and Turning back to the front of the class.
"Alright everyone, turn to pages 229, in you history books, I want you to read up to at least page 250" Mrs. Burgenson said, everyone groaned and opened up there books and began to read.
(Time skip brought to by Damian chasing Tim with a knife)
For what felt like hours, which it was actually, class ends in about forty minutes and I am still reader the dang stupid history.
'Bump' i was just hit in the head was something, no biggy just ignore it.
I quickly turn around and give demon spawn a glare.
"Stop throwing paper at me or I will tell Jason" I whispered threateningly at him, as well as trying not to get the teachers attention.
"Oh please what would Todd do to me" he said a smirk still lying on his face.
"Oh you know exactly what he'll do" I said a smirk creeping up on my face.
His smile quickly fades as he realized what I was talking about, he put his hands up in surrender.
"Yeah no I would not like for my hair to be dyed like that again (Y/L/N)" Demon finally replied. I chuckled.
"Oh yes that was one of he best days of my life, you know I might get him to make your hair blue this time or greens a good shade on you"
I said, his face went from sarcastic to slight fear to stern in like three seconds.
"Alright I yield.."he was about to say something else when.
"Would you two like to share that with the rest of the class" Mrs. Burgenson asked sternly.
"No no we would not thanks for asking though" I said facing her in my seat, with an amused look on my face.
"Just get back to work" she said glaring at me.
By a las She wasn't the only one, I could feel Damian's glare on the back of my head. I turned around briefly.
"Like what you see?" I asked.
"T-T who would ever like looking at you" he said turning away trying to hide his blush.
"Haha you love me" I said going back to work.

Damian's POV:
Yes I do beloved more then you could ever know...

Authors here, would you the reader like a part two if so leave it in the comments, the next story will be on Jason Todd and I would gladly except prompts and suggestions for future chapters.... Author-Chan Out!

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