Chapter 4

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Jacks G's POV:


I looked down kissed her forehead and stopped tickling her. I then slowly drifted off to sleep.

(End of recap)

I woke up with a massive hangover. I rubbed my eyes and looked down only to see a beautiful girl resting her head on my chest. I then realized she was only in panties and a bra and I was only in some boxers.

Did I get some last night? I questioned myself in my head. I honestly couldn't remember. I didn't know her name but damn. I smirked to myself that's when she opened her eyes.

She looked up at me and said good morning.

I think that's when she she processed that we were both half naked and she was laying in top of me. She quickly stood up.

D-d-did we f-fuck last night? She asked. I don't remember I'm sorry... I told her. I looked at her and realized she had self harm cuts and bruises everywhere.

I looked at her, she looked at me. "Close your eyes" she snapped as she tried to cover her body with her hands. I just walked out and went downstairs.

Matt, Carter, Cam, Taylor, Shawn and Jack J were laying all over the living room sleeping in positions I never thought I person could sleep in.

I looked around and noticed all the beer cans laying around. I gathered them and threw them into a bag. I walked to the kitchen and took a advil to help with my headache.

I decided to make eggs for Brooke and I. I didn't make any food for anyone else because I was very disappointed, mad and angry about some of last nights events. well the ones I could remember...

Brooke's POV:

I can't believe I might have slept with Jack... he probably thinks I'm such a whore. He saw my cuts too, now I'll never have a chance with him.

I got dressed and sat on the bed for a few minutes trying to remember last night. I finally convinced myself that we didn't have sex.

I walked downstairs and Jack smiled. "I made food for you beautiful" said Jack. I could feel my cheeks getting hot. I looked down, smiled and quietly said thanks. I looked at the plate of food and he had made pancakes, bacon and eggs he even got me a cup of orange juice.

I rubbed my head because I had a massive headache. "You too huh?" Asked Jack. I just smiled as he walked toward what I think was the medicine cabinet. He opened the cap of a medication bottle and came back with a red tablet.

"Thank you Jack it's really good" I said with a mouthful of pancakes. That just made him chuckle. I took the advil and finished my food.

Jack walked back to the living room that's when I noticed all my bullies and Jack J sprawled all over the living room.

I ran upstairs before any of them would wake up and see me. I heard Jack following behind me. I ran into my room and just started to cry.

"What's wrong princess" said Jack as he started slowly walking towards me. Jack everything's wrong. Everything. I can't do this anymore I'm sorry. I said between cries and breaths. I'm sorry goodbye Jack. With that she got out of my grip and ran. I processed what that meant for a few seconds.

Oh my god. She was going to kill herself. I ran down and saw her running down the street. I was much faster then her so I caught up fairly quick.

Don't do this please I screamed. She just kept running. She went around a corned and I lost her. The cliff. That's where she's going. I ran and there was. At the edge of the cliff.

There was a empty bottle of pills that where rolling towards me. Please don't do this Brooke! I yelled as I ran towards her. I promise I will protect you. That's when she looked back at me. She started scooting herself closer to the edge.


haha cliffhanger(;

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