Chapter 10

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Jack J's POV:

I was with all the guys, we were walking to Shawn's house because he hasn't been responding to any of our texts or calls.

I heard a slight scream, I stopped and I shushed all the other guys and said "be quite" we stood there for a minute when we heard it again.

It was coming from the forest..

We all started running into the forest and following the sound, we got to the sound and there was Brooke.

All beautiful and unconscious laying in the lap of a crying and screaming Shawn.

I picked her up and all the guys came with me accept Matt who stayed behind to comfort Shawn.

I was running as fast as I could I looked down at her and I just couldn't look away, she was perfect.

I tripped and dropped Brooke, she fell on the hard cement and I fell on top of her.

The guys quickly helped me up and Nash grabbed Brooke of the ground, we ran and ran and ran until we were at the hospital.

We explained to the nurse what happened and they laid her on a hospital bed.

We went in and she was attached to a bunch of machines, it was so scary and sad seeing her in this state.

Everyone was crying and muttering things like "what have I done." "I'm a monster." "I hate myself." "That should be me not her." Under there breath.

There voices were shaky and there eyes were red and puffy, I was crying to.

We looked like such a mess.


Sorry for not updating...

15 votes and 5 comments for a update(:

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