Chapter 7

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Brooke's POV:


"I've got a gift for you Brooke." Said Taylor with the scariest grin on his face. That's when the boys walked in.

Jack J, Jack G, Shawn, Nash, Cam, Matt and Carter.

(End if Recap)

Why is Jack G here I thought to myself?

Shit. All there going to do is beat me up. Taylor held the door open while the other boys walked in.

When all the boys were in the room Taylor shut the door and locked it. Jack walked over to me.

He mouthed I'm sorry. That's when he punched me straight I'm the jaw. I gave him a look of disappointment.

I genuinely thought he had feelings for me. He was beating me and the other boys started to join in.

They were beating me and calling me names at this point. They all stopped and Jack started to take off my pants.

He wasn't. He couldn't be. I started to cry. I couldn't believe him. He started to take my hospital gown off.

He pulled his pants down and thrusted into me before giving me anytime to adjust to size.

I screamed in pain and pleasure. I could hear the boys cheering in the back round so I tried my best to block it out.

Jack was thrusting so fast and deep. JACK! I screamed. Oh yes Jack go faster. I could hear Jack grunting and it was really turning me on.

I felt so uncomfortable with the other boys watching us. I grabbed the sheets and twisted them in pleasure.

J-Jack I'm c-c-close. I said. Me too Moaned Jack. His hot breath was hitching on my neck.

We both climaxed, I tried not to act like he wasn't pleasuring me but I just couldn't. "I'm only using you Brooke" Jack whispered in my ear before pulling himself off of me.

Jack J's POV:

I'm only using you Brooke... I whispered in her ear before I pulled myself off of her.

Haha she fell for my act what a fucking idiot. The only reason I saved her is so I could use her for sex.


Everyone was freaking out so here you go.

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