Chapter 28

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~~Riley's POV~~

"I'm going for a walk, please don't follow." I say and walk out of the room. I don't know where I'm going, but I just need to leave. I need Max to be safe, I made a promise. And I never ever break a promise.

£What do I do?£

¥Nothing. Let her hurt Max, he's not yours¥

£No I'm not gonna let her hurt Max, I made a promise and you know damn straight I keep them£

¥True, then let her hurt you¥

£No, I'm done with that£

¥Oh really? Than why is there fresh cuts on your wrist from two days ago?¥

£Shut up£

¥Haha nope¥

I walk to the front desk and the man looks at me, "How can I help you miss?"

"I'd like a room the same floor as the mag-"

"The Magcon boys? Listen little girl, I'm not giving you people floor numbers or anything, I swore that I wouldn't." He says.

"I'm Riley Bay, and I already know what floor and their room number is." He gives me a look, I cross my arms, "Floor 7, room 756." I say and his eyes widen.

"How do you know that?" He asks a little shocked.

"First of all because I am Riley Bay not a freaking fan girl and second because I'm dating one of them." I say.

¥Who are you dating?¥

£No one, I just want this dude off my back£

"Okay, sorry miss Bay. Here's your room key to floor 7 and room 760." He says and hands me the key.

"Thanks." I say and go to the elevator. I press the floor number and put my hand in my pocket. I feel the razor laying in my hand, I'm stupid. I can't let the voice in my head win. I sigh and the elevator door opens to floor 7 I walk out and walk to my room. I open the door and close it. I stand in the front of the room by the door not knowing where to go.

¥Go to the bathroom¥

£No, shut up£

¥Come on Hun, a few little cuts won't do any harm¥

£No, shut up£

¥Let's just go to the bathroom and go release our pain. It'll feel good, I promise¥

£No it won't, shut up£

¥Yes it will¥

I start to shake my head and start to feel dizzy.

£No it won't, shut up£ I feel a thing of worry get lifted off my shoulders.

¥Doesn't it feel good?¥

£What? What feels good?£

¥Look down¥

I look down at my arm. My eyes widen and my mouth opens a little. I gulp and look at the blood dripping down my arm.

~~Matt's POV~~

Where could she be? Where is Riley? God I'm freaking out. Riley... I told her I loved her, but she didn't say it back. She didn't say anything back. Maybe cause she thought I meant it in a different way. No she couldn't have, we almost kissed. God Riley why do you have to put me through this? Why do I have to love her?

I look around the quiet room and see Nash and Cameron passed out on one bed, Max and Hayes on another, then Carter all alone on another. I sigh and just stare at my phone. I then lights up. It can't be Riley, she smashed her phone against the wall... Who is it? I walk over to my phone that was next to Riley's and look at it. No caller ID. I sigh and pick it up.

"Hello?" I say.

"Matt..." I hear Riley and I start to freak out.

"Oh my god Riley. Where are you? Are you okay? Riley..." I say and I hear her crying on the other end, "Riley please, where are you? What happened?" I hear her cries muffle.

"C-c-come to room 760. It's on the same floor." She says.

"Okay I'll be right there." I say and hang up. I run out the door, quietly though, and run down the hall. I run to room 760 and start jiggling the door nob. I start banging on the door.

"Riley! It's me Matt! Please let me in." I say tears starting to fill up in my eyes. I stop banging and look at the floor. There's a room key by my foot. I quickly pick it up and open up the door. I run through it slamming the door behind me. I look around the room and hear crying coming from the corner. I run over and see Riley hugging her arm in full out tears. I kneel down next to her.

"R-Riley..." I say and she looks at me in the eyes tears falling from her bright blue eyes. She sniffles, "let me see your arm." Her eyes not leaving my she unhugs her arm and shows it to me. I slowly divert my eyes to her arm and I gasp. Her arm is full out covered in cuts, from her wrist to the inside of her elbow. It's covered in blood, I look at my blue sweatshirt and see that it's now red. I sigh bringing her fragile figure to my lap. She raps her arms arm my neck and starts to burst out into tears again.

"Why Riley?" I say, I hear her cries muffle.

"B-b-because I'm never good enough." She says.

"What do you mean bab-" i stop myself real quick.

"Cameron doesn't trust me, you guys won't tell me stuff, I'm just never good enough." She says.

"Riley, never ever say your not good enough. Cameron didn't want to tell you because he didn't want you to be worried." I sigh deeply, "Tyna... She raped Cameron." I say and Riley looks at me wide eyed.

"W-what? When?" She says tears still falling from her eyes.

"The night you woke up, he thought you were dead, he met Tyna and didn't know it was your Tyna, and she raped him." I say.

"Why didn't he tell me! I thought he wanted me to know!" She screams and hits the floor.

"Riley calm down." I say and I see her grab something.

"He doesn't care Matt, you do." She says and I see something silver in her hand.

"Riley don't." I say and she shakes her head and I watch as she digs the razor into her bloody skin. I take the razor from her and chuck it across the room. She looks at me, "Don't let them win Riley." I say.

"But the voices." She says and I shake my head.

"They're just a figure of imagination." I say, she just nods her head.

"That's why I called you Matt, out of everyone I called you, because you know what to say." She says and kisses my cheek. She looks at me in the eyes, and grabbing my neck. My arms now resting on her hips, she leans in and connects her lips to mine. I kiss her back and slide my tongue on her bottom lip asking for entrance and she lets me in. My tongue dances with hers. She then pulls away and looks at me deep in the eyes.

"I love you Riley." I say and she smiles as well.

"I love you too Matt." I give her another kiss, then stand up picking her up, and walking to the bathroom. I set her on the counter. I fill the sink with water and grab the towels.

"Know let's get you cleaned up." I say, and she smiles and kisses my nose.

"Thanks Matt."

"Anything for you babe." I say wetting a washcloth and carefully wipe the blood off her arm.

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