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| I honestly feel so heartbroken. I watched Avengers: Infinity War two days ago and I still cry thinking about this one scene. UGH. No spoilers :((( y/f/sh ~ your favorite superhero|

"Will, are you sure I don't look like a dork or anything?" I say, fixing my hair.

"Dude, you look fine. Now go, Y/n is waiting." He says, rushing me out from the bathroom and to the living room.

I've liked Y/n since we were in the 8th grade. We're Freshman now and I've finally worked up the nerve to ask her out on a date, she said yes. We're going to the movies and then after to the arcade.

"Hey, Y/n.. wow, you look beautiful." I smile, giving her a hug.

"Awh, thank you, Mike. You look really great too." She smiles, her cheeks turning a light shade of red.

"Shall we?" I ask, extending my arm for her to hold on too.

"We shall." She smirks.

"Bye Will! Thanks." I shout.

Y/n lives next to Will, so we just decided to meet at his house. Wills mom offered to give us a ride to the theatre, so we hopped into her car and drove off.

"Thank you, Ms. Byers!" I say, shutting the car door after Y/n gets out.

"So, what're we watchimg?" Asks Y/n.

"I was thinking, we could watch the knew Avengers movie." I smile.

"Okay, it's like 3 hours long, but I've been really wanting to watch it." She says.

We buy the tickets and head into the theatre.

We're an hour in to the movie and I decide to wrap my arm around Y/n. I do and she shifts back in her seat, leaning her head on my arm.

I smile to myself, "comfy?" I whisper.

She looks up smiling and nodding her head.

The movie is coming to an end and Y/n is crying at what happened. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly.

She sobs into my chest, "that was sad oh my god."

"Yeah, I feel really bad." I say.

Y/n groans as it ends with a cliff hanger. We get up from our seats and make our way out of the theatre.

"So, what'd you think?" I asked, holding her hand.

"It was really, really good, but so heartbreaking." She says, squeezing my hand.

"Yeah, I agree. It was pretty good. I think Thor is my favorite."

"Really? Y/f/sh is mine." She smiles.

We walk to the arcade across the theatre. She loves to play the old racing games and I join her.

"This is going really good so far. Thank you, Mike." She says, kissing me on the cheek.

I feel my face heat up and I can't help but break out into a big smile, "of course, anything for you."

Finn Wolfhard • Imagines 2Where stories live. Discover now