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| I'm out for summer :) be prepared for many Imagines !! This is part two of the last imagine btw :)) per request|

Imagine you and Finn are at the Met Gala together. You step down the stairs with your arm linked to his. Pictures are taken. And your names are being shouted.

You decide to go for an interviewer and you pull Finn along with you.

"Y/n! Finn! Hello, it's so nice to see you both here together!" The interviewer says.

"We're really glad to be here," Finn answers. "Everyone looks amazing." You say, smiling into the camera.

"How long have you two been together?" She asks, directing the microphone to Finn.

"For about a couple months." He nods, looking over at you to continue, "Yeah, it feels like we've known eachother for forever, honestly. Finn is amazing." You smile, feeling your cheeks warm up.

Finn kisses you on the cheek and people standing behind the red ribbons scream and clap.

You blush and then you're pulled to the side by your manager.  "You're freaking adorable" Finn smiles. "Stop," you say, trying to hide your blushing face.

Your manager discusses what you'll be doing after the Gala and then you're free to go roam around with Finn.

"Hey guys!" You hear someone yell. You smile as you see Millie and Noah approach you. "Hey!" Finn smiles, hugging them both. "Oh my god you look beautiful!" You say hugging Millie and then Noah.

"Me! Look at you!" She exclaims. "Your both beautiful," states Noah, making you both laugh.


After the Gala you and Finn head to your house where you just hang out. You see pictures of you and Finn posing on Instagram and You also see the brief snap you and Finn shot for the Met Gala Snapchat.

You smile and set your wallpaper to one of the pictures you screenshoted.

"You looked absolutely beautiful today, I mean you look beautiful everyday, but Jesus,  I'm so lucky to have you." Finn says, wrapping his arms around you. You turn your head and kiss him softly.

"I'm lucky to have you, too."

Finn Wolfhard • Imagines 2Where stories live. Discover now