F O R T Y - T W O

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| part two of the last imagine :)) enjoy, loves! <3 |

Two weeks later.

Y/n is finally ungrounded. Richie was very happy and excited to go back to the diner.

Today they were joined by Eddie and Beverly. Beverly and Y/n were the best of friends, like Richie and Eddie. So, they didn't mind at all even though going to the diner every other Thursday was Richie and Y/ns thing.

"Awe, come on, Ed's. You know you're my only type," teased Richie as he rode around his bike in circles while the others rode straight. He was talking about how he thinks this girl in his Math class likes him. Eddie had laughed.

"Don't call me Eds. And shut up," Eddie snickered.

"Oh you're mom is, too." Said Richie.

"Eww, Rich," Y/n laughed.

"So, how far away is this diner?" Beverly asked as she rode next to Y/n.

"Not far, we're like two blocks away," Y/n stated.

"Do they sell slushies?" Asked Eddie.

"They sell milkshakes," Richie answered.


They arrived at the diner and parked their bikes in the designated area. (A.n. I sat for 10 minutes and couldn't remember how to spell "area".. I spelled it "airya" and then realized how dumb I am. Oof send help lmaoo )

Richie held the door open for everyone, "ladies first."

Eddie rolled his eyes and Richie smirked.

They sat at a booth right in the corner of the old fashioned diner, it's Richie and Y/ns usual spot.

Richie sat next to Eddie and Y/n sat next to Beverly.

"Hey, guys! Y/n, didn't see you two weeks ago what happened?" Danny, a waiter/ very good friend of Richie and Y/n, said.

"Ya see here, Danny boy, my good ole friend Y/n got her ass grounded," Richie answered in a western accent.

"Ahhh I see," Danny laughed, "and who are these lovely looking people." He said, motioning to Eddie and Beverly.

"That's Beverly and this is my boyfriend, Eddie." Richie smirked, earning a smack to the shoulder from Eddie.

"I'm not his boyfriend," Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say," Richie smiled.

Danny laughed and proceeded to take their order. Richie and Y/n got their usual biscuits and tea, while Eddie and Beverly got strawberry milkshakes and banana bread.

"We should start coming here every other Thursday, Eddie." Beverly suggested.

"Ah hell nah, this is mine and     Y/ns place, get your own!" Richie said, crumbs of biscuit falling out of his mouth.

"Eww Richie!" Eddie whined.


Eddie and Beverly left together a few minutes before Richie and Y/n.

Richie usually rides back to Y/ns house and then to his.

"We should invite people more often, today was really fun," Y/n states.

"I think we should stick to the whole Losers club going to the barrens every Friday together," Richie said.

"Oh yeah," y/n sighed.

They arrived at Y/ns house and she parked her bike on her porch.

"Bye, Rich. See ya tomorrow," y/n waved.

"Hey, y/n?"


"I Love you," Richie said, "I don't say it often, I'm a shitty bestfriend, sorry." He frowned.

Y/n smiled, "You dont have to say it all the time, I know you love me, you're my bestfriend. I love you, too."

Richie smiled and waved goodbye. Y/n waved back and then walked into her house.

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