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| Dude, I can't wait for Stranger Things 3 omlll. Y/d/n ~ Your daughters name |

"Daddy! These ones!" Shouts your 6 year old daughter. She points to a bouquet of purple roses. Finn smiles, and picks the best looking one. "These are great, your Mama's gonna love them."

They walk around the store and fine some more things you love. Your favorite food, movie, drink, candy, and some balloons. They place all of it in the shopping cart.

Today is Mother's Day. You had told Finn not to get you anything, but he didn't care. He spoiled you whether it was a holiday or not. Y/d/n was always excited to help.

"Okay, baby. I think we're good. Let's go home and give mama her presents," Finn smiles, booping y/d/n nose. She always loved to stand in the shopping cart. Today she said, "I'm protecting Mama's presents." While sitting and wrapping her arms around some of them.

They payed for all the items and headed home.


"Mama!" Y/d/n yelled, as she ran through the house and up into you and Finns room.

"Hey!" You smiled, opening your arms for the young girl to jump into. "Hey, love." Finn said, as he walked into the room.

He gave you a peck on the cheek and then asked you to come to the kitchen.

Finn had setup the food, flowers, and gifts for you to open. "Finn Wolfhard. I told you not to get me anything." You shook your head.

"Oh, please. Did you really think I would listen?" He chuckled. You walk over to him and kiss him. "Open your presents!" Y/d/n shouts, jumping up and down with excitement.

"Okay, let's see." You say, standing Infront of the dining table.

The first gift you opened contained your favorite candy and movie. The second contained some kitchen ware that you've been wanting. And the last gift contained a beautiful necklace, that looked wayyyy to expensive.

"Oh my god, Finn." You gasped, holding the necklace up.

"Do you like it?" He asks, wrapping his arms around you. You turn your head and kiss him again. This time a little harder. "Are you serious? I love it! Thank you."

"Yay!" Y/d/n claps. "I love you guys so much. Thank you!" You say picking up your daughter and group hugging.

"Happy Mother's day!" Finn and Y/d/n say in unison.

Finn Wolfhard • Imagines 2Where stories live. Discover now