chapter 3 -meeting the special someone-

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After Tia left i was all alone again but i wasn't thinking about zayn right now i was concentrated on the party and my outfit to impress the "special someone" Tia wants me to meet, so after thinking for maybe a minute i hurry up to my room to change because i have an hour to get ready. i go to my closet and skim thru it until my eyes stoped at some red jeans shorts, i quickly grab them then i skim thru my shirts i see a white v-neck that half my stomach was exposed, this was perfect so i throw it on the bed and go shower after that long shower i change into my oufit for some reason i thought that i looked like a perv because i just broke up wth my boyfriend and i'm trying to impress the guy that i do not know one bit, who cares?! i definently needed make-up on because i looked really diffrent without it, i put some eyeliner and mascara with some red lip-stick to match my shorts after i was all done i leave my bown curls loose and straighten my bangs then i go back to my room to put on my white converse and grab my iPhone it was about time to go so i looked at myself again before leaving. Tia lives about five blocks down my street it was a long walk because it's so fucking hot! when i arrived there was about twenty people i tried to walk thru them but they were dancing so i was a little hard but i managed to get thru i spotted Tia talking to some random chick whom i didn't know "hey Tia" i say "oh hey Carly you made it" "yea i did" "well Carly i want you to meet Bekka and Bekka this is my best girl Carly" we said hi to each other "Carly that outfi makes you look hot so you're definently going to impress the guy i want you to meet" i smile "thanks but where is he" i was being so impatient "well he arrived like five minutes ago but right know i don't know where he is i'm going to look for him so stay here'kay" "okay" she leaves and Bekka was still here but she was talking to a guy who i found not attracive at all i turn around to look at people dancing wow now this is what i call a sweaty party almost everyone that was dancing were sweating like crazy maybe a few minutes later i hear Tia say "come on she's over here" i didn't dare myself to turn around i felt Tia touch my sholder "Carly this is Harry and Harry this is my girl Carly" i turn to look at him, i had to look up because he looked around 5'10 he was way taller then me maybe eight inches taller i was way to short for this good looking guy i checked him out he had a nice style he was wearing a white tee and some khaki pants with white converse like me how can he not die in pants it's so damn hot! He grins at me when he notices that i was checking him out "hey" he says i finally look into his eyes they were green which i considered beautiful "hi nice to meet you" he offers a hand so i could shake it and i shake his hand "nice to meet you too" "so i'll leave you two to get to know each other better" Tia announces i totally forgot she was there i turn to look at her "okay" we both say she walks away kind of smiling i look up at harrys eyes "so how old are you" nice going Carly "i'm eighteen how old are you" "I just turned sixteen a few weeks ago" "nice so you're in school" "yup imma be a senior this fall" "cool and let me ask you before we keep talking do you have a boyfriend" i smile "no i actually just broke up with him today"i was thinking about zayn now "oh cool actually my bandmate just broke up with his girfreind today too" WTF is he talking bout i never asked about his friend or should i say bandmate! "i'm going to get a drink come with me?" he asks "okay" we walk to "the bar" he grabs two drinks and hands me one i smell it, it smelled weird and i think he notices "it's Vodka it tastes awsome,drink it" "i dont really drink and i'm sixteen" he shugs "so what? just try it babe" he called me babe! i look at it again "i dont know what if i get drunk" "i'll take you home" "okay i guess" i needed company right now he smiles he raises his drink on the air i guess he expected me to hit my glass with his i didn't do it because at first i didn't know he smiles even though i didn't do what he wanted me to do "sorry i didn't know you expected me to hit my glass with yours" he smiles and dimples appeared on his sides they were so cute "thats okay" i smile "so Carly how was your drink" we both looked down and saw that it was empty i lick my bottom lip and smile "it was okay" he chuckles "are you sure it wasn't better then okay" i chuckle as well "it taste better then i thought it would and i think i need another one" he turns to grab another one and hands me it he had another drink as well we both chugged it down this taste great i can't believe i was actually drinking, luckly my mom was in vacations well more like business i was going to be alone for another week. wow i'm feeling kinda dizzy, next thing i know i feel warm hands grabing my shoulders.

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