The Pub

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I'm so sorry I haven't been writing much...




You were at a pub drinking alone, upset... Then this band came up on the stage and started performing. They sounded pretty good so you moved up closer to the stage with your drink in your hand. You took at seat and closed your eyes, letting the music wash over you.

When you finally opened your eyes, you saw the bassist looking at you. You looked back at him curiously, He was a very thin guy, but he was tall and he wore a nice suit. His long fingers danced among the strings of the guitar. His body slowly and quietly moving to the beat. His light hair, slightly falling to his face as he played. when the song ended and prepared for the next song, he ran his fingers through his gorgeous hair, placing it back so it won't disturb him for the next song. But when he started playing again, it fell right back in his face.

For the rest of the show, you couldn't take your eyes off of him. When the song ended, you just sat there with your empty glass. While you were dazing off, the bassist walked over to you and tapped your shoulder. You jumped by surprise and zoomed back into reality and turned around. The bassist stood there with 2 drinks in his hand. He was surprised by your reaction.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you love." He chuckled. You looked up as you brushed your hair behind your ear.

"It's alright, I was just dazing off. You were playing the bass guitar, right?"

"Yeah," He replied with a smile.

"Well, the show was great. I really enjoyed it." You smiled back. He seemed so much taller up close. I mean, you were considered to be a short girl but still, he seemed really tall. His hair looked soft and shined as the light bounced off of it.

"Thanks, do you mind?" he asked as he pulled a chair next to you.

"No, not at all." You smiled. He handed you a drink and you both flirted and laughed as you got to know each other better.

"Oh my gosh, you were the adorable little kid in Love Actually?" You laughed.

"Yes, I was that adorable little kid in Love Actually. The thing is, I look like 5, but I was like 13 in real life." He chuckled.

"Wow, you age really slowly, don't you? Wait so how old are you now? If you don't mind me asking. I just wanna know if you're like in your 40's or more." You laughed.

"Well, I'm 27. So that's not that bad now is it." He smiled at you with his gorgeous eyes and his sweet lips.

"Oh, well I'm 25 if you wanted to know."

"Speaking of age and numbers, can I have your number?" He smiled with a smile you couldn't say no to.

"Sure" You smiled as you typed your phone number into his phone.

"Well then, expect a call from me soon." He smirked as he stood from his chair.

"Okay" You laughed a little.

"See you soon love." He winked as he walked away.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now