24 Hours

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Chapter 6  (Part 1)

Everything is awkward after Dr. Shin has exit. Luckily, Mom has not entered ever since then. Everything is ruined, my future plan on studies, graduating university, meeting the love of my life personally, getting married at the place where we've met.

And now the father of the baby will be Mr.-Prick-also-known-as-Mr.-Tutor. Talking of the devil, a knock on the door brings me back to reality. "Seohyun?" A male's deep voice called out. Who can that be? A Doctor Martin's black boots came into my sight once I faced the door. A pair of beige tight pants and a flowery vintage blouse for a male came in. Please. No, I'm not ready to face that son of a bitch now.

Unluckily, a sight of a type that I do not want to face right now is here! Whoo! Where's all the paparazzi, isn't he the man that got an award for ruining a woman, named Seo Joo Hyun, life? Oh I forget, nobody nominates him.

Note the sarcasm there

"Yes Mr. Dickhe- I mean Mr Kris." I coughed, correcting my greeting.

"Look, I don't know what is your problem but-" I quickly cut his sentence. Rage is quickly building up against my bloodstream.

"Oh, yes, you may not remember spiking a drink and threaten me to drink or else I won't get my pay from my boss! And, oh, congratulations on making me pregnant! This foetus will be our responsibility! You have no idea that you've ruin my oh-so-wonderful life until you come into my life! Now, get the fuck out and leave me alone!" I burst out in anger and did not realise that I've been crying. A nice way to show that you are weak. I mentally pat my shoulder, wishing myself a good job. I then turned to the other side, looking towards the windows that shows a view of raining cats and dogs.

Instead of hearing the door closing, a warm pair of hands embraces my hand that was connected to the heart rate monitor. Starting to cry a river, I surprisingly did not snatch my hand back but enjoying the safe and comfortable company. Now, this is not myself but I feel confident that Kris will take of us. The foetus and I

"I'm sorry for putting you into this nistake trouble between us. I will take responsibilty for the most important person on my list. Our future baby and you. I promise not to leave you aside. But I'll try to make this relationship between us work. Believe in me. Let's break this news to your mom and my uncle." He confronted, rubbing my cold hands with his warm ones. Wait! Is he out of his mind? Plus, uncle?

"Wait. What does your uncle have to do with this pregnancym" I questionned th curiousity that killed the cat.

"My uncle is the person that took care of me for the last 16 years ever since both my mom and dad died in a cruise ship in Gangdongwon Island, September 7, 1998-" I cut his history. But why?

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I don't know maybe we are destinied by this miracle one night stand. It's a habit of mine to know each other by knowing their history." He stated proudly. "Plus, I will take my responsibility as your boyfriend now."

Sighing, I yawn in a boring way.


Okay, you guys maybe wondering as to why I did not post Author Notes for the past few chapters . As I have mentioned in Chapter 1.

I also did not have the chance to have the courage to turn on my computer. It actually rages me up when my computer doesn't switch on at all.

Since I am kind of poor, not literally poor, just under average for financial. I have applied for some free PC scheme for those familoes that has a low income.

I can't wait till Dad solve the company mistakes and I'll have a delivery of it. Yayy! Then I am able to update all the Authors Notes.

Plus, do also comment down what you actually think of my plot. Your feedback is really appreciated from the bottom of my heart. Mean comments or a positive ones is accepted.



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