Being Finn's Sister

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•You guys are best friends
•You making fun of him for kissing Millie
•Really close to him and Nick
•Being best friends with Josh and Lucas Ovalle
•Kicking his ass in Mario Kart (Nick's too)
•Knowing how to play guitar, acoustic guitar, bass, drums and keyboard
•Wearing Finn's glasses and him wearing yours
•Singing well
•Stealing his hoodies and shirts
•Massive hug when one of you has to go away to work
•Jamming to Indie music together
• Twin Peaks for life
•Being super supportive about each other's careers
•Quincy being like another big brother
•Best friends with Wyatt and Jack
•Performing with Calpurnia now and then
•Roasting each other
•Pulling pranks on Nick together
•Making vines and Skits together
•Being actual twin goals
•Crying in the airport when one of you come back to Vancouver form work
•His arm always around your shoulders
•People think you're a couple:
"You two are a really cute couple"
"Ew, Ew, Ew, EW"
"We are twins"
"OMG! Are you sure? You look nothing like each other!"
"Yes we are sure" *death glare*

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