A Day With The Ovalle's

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•Recording vlogs, skits and stuff
•Roasting each other (more like you and Josh roasting Finn)
•Basically the official let's bully Finn day
• F- "It's not gay or anything sharing the same bed if Ana is there"
A-"Yeah, It's like that old saying"
J-"what old saying An (your nickname)?"
A-"It's not gay when it's in the three way"
J- " She's right tho"
F- "Josh! Don't support her behavior!"

•Finn being a literal mom (a/n mom Steve is shaking)
• A- " OMG! You're THE Finn Wolfhard! Can I touch your hair?! Can I kidnap you?!"
F- " What kinda drug are you on and can I have some?"
* gives him Skittles*

•F- "we should get Hot dogs"
A- "you nasty frog"
F- "what is going on with you today?"
J- "it's something called 'The Ovalle Effect' Finn"
F- *Death Glare* "shut up Josh"

•Meeting up with Joe in the middle of the day

• Joe- " I wonder what people think when they see us in the street"
L- "what do you mean Joe?"
Joe- "okay let me explain. Let's begin with: Four guys and one girl, that's the first point. Second: 3 guys in their 20's casually walking around with two 15 year olds. You guys see where I wanna get?"
Josh- "yeah"
A and F- "Gross"

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