Set Stories

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You and the ST cast were filming season 4, your character was Rebecca James aka Mike's love interest (a/n eleven was with will sorry not sorry).
You were all hanging out in the set when Matt said "okay guys, the next scene will be the one that the guys from the Hawkins Lab puts the wheeler's house on fire to kill eleven okay?" Y'all nodded and went to "the  wheeler's house".
You got in your positions and Ross said "silence on the set aaaannd ACTION!"
(a/n I'll be using the characters initials this time, when I use the actors name is because they got out of character)
D- Do you guys smell something weird too?
Finn- *raises his hand* Sorry...
Everybody starts laughing because of what Finn did, and the scene,that was supposed to be about a fire, suddenly became the scene of Finn's fart...
Ross-Okay let's try again, ACTION!

D-Do you guys smell something weird too?
A- *a smile creeps into your face* It was Wolfhard
Everybody stars laughing again. Y'all tried to do this scene at least 20 times, when the duffers gave up because you kept laughing and said that they would do the scene in another day.

 Y'all tried to do this scene at least 20 times, when the duffers gave up because you kept laughing and said that they would do the scene in another day

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^^^^^this picture is basically The Duffers while trying to do the scene

(A/n this was "inspired" by a blooper from friend! Let me know if you guys like this kinda imagine in the comments!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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