21| Swimming Trunks And Ice Lollies.

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21| Swimming Trunks And Ice Lollies.

4 hours of hard-core persuasion and a promise of ice cream later, Ashton finally gave in and decided to come to school on Monday. Annie didn't want him to miss any of school as it was such an important time of year for them, their final exams only a month away.

Annie decided to pick Luke and him up in her car, knowing that way Ashton didn't have a choice in coming. He stepped into the car, mumbling a hello with the darkest bags under his eyes which Annie thought were fake at first by the unrealistic look of them. If sorrow were a person, it's be Ashton at this moment in time.

After parking the car Annie quickly told Luke how bad Ashton was holding up, before the three of them walked through the school doors to be greeted by Rosie... and James. She was stood with James Toronto, laughing with James Toronto, touching James Toronto. Ashton's eyes widened- only the smallest amount- before his heart leaked with all his previous love for the girl. Now it was starting to fill with hatred for the brown haired bastard who stole his girlfriend.

"Nope." Aston stated, turning around as he shook his head.

"Ashton-" Annie groaned, pulling his arm and making him turn around. "Just don't look at her." She shrugged, scowling as James glanced their way.

"That might work for Luke but not me, just look at her." He sighed, watching as his stunning ex-girlfriend seductively touched James Toronto's arm. Ashton never was a jealous guy, he used to trust Rosie and he knew she wouldn't jeopardise their relationship. Yet here she was, two days after their unsaid break-up, flirting with James Toronto.

"I can't, asshole." Luke mumbled, attempting to playfully punch Ashton's arm but landing on Annie's. "Oh, sorry babe." He chuckled, rubbing her arm and kissing her head.


Ashton didn't speak a word on the way home, all he wanted was to go home and lock himself in his room. When Ashton did so, the couple felt as though a weight had been lifted off of them- as bad as it may sound- that they no longer had to be cautious around the broken boy. Annie had no idea heart break could really ruin a person, sure, she'd seen it in movies, but they were movies, this was tragic and depressing real life.

For the first time today, Annie actually noticed how wonderful the weather was, and how wrongly dressed she was. A bland shirt and jeans was not the way to face the scorching day which was still heating up even at 4:15pm. School and Ashton had consumed Annie so much that she didn't get the chance to soak in the rays of sunshine sinking from the sky.

"Hey, did you want to do something, its beautiful weather out and its only 4." Annie suggested rolling down her window and smiling to one of her neighbours as she pulled up to her house.

"Why don't we go out for ice cream? I've got some money on me." Luke suggested, turning his head to Annie's direction and reaching his hand out. It landed on her mid arm, and he felt the thick material of her shirt and grimaced. "You must be roasting."

"I am, I'm going to go change real quick, did you want to come in or wait in the car?" Annie was already out of the door, hanging through the window as she waited for Luke's reply, sweat starting to form on her hair line. He decided to stay in the car, allowing Annie to fight her way through the heatwave to her air-conditioned home.

She picked out a thin dark red button up with flowers decorating it, which was baggy enough for her to tuck into her ripped denim shorts. Lastly, she decided on the Gucci belt her mother apologised with after another argument over her parents recurring absence. Annie didn't like to think too much about how little her parents actually knew of her, Luke probably knew more about Annie than both her parents combined, Carla definitely did.

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