Chapter 2: Fox and her New Family

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Fox was wandering the halls of rapture, she idly remembered she's in Neptune's Bounty, for who knows how long. She doesn't know though. All she knows is she's been following her 3 orders while picking up new skills and receiving upgrades. Said upgrades being a month, day, hour, minute, second flip clock in her helmet. Another being that her needles retract into the control on her arm now allowing her more mobility with her arm, and allowing her to carry a little sister if she wanted to. Her armor was colored now where the suit is now black with her boots, gloves, buckles, and chest piece were a dark blood red. She has the little sisters to thank for that. She rolled her shoulders to shift the tanks on her back to provide some comfort while carrying the bulky things. She absentmindedly looked at her legs, on her upper thighs were 2 pouches filled with throwing needles that she used for her silent kills. She first found them in the hospital area. She was with a little sister and her daddy when a splicer tried to jump them. She reacted tossing them and killing the splicer in the process. After Ryan and the scientist saw the action via the camera in the area they decided to give her four pouches full of them with about 200 a pouch. She also ran into some of the big sisters that Lamb had made but they left her alone and from what she could understand from their screeching and actions they thought of her as "mother" other then Sofia who created them.
Speaking of big, the daddy's, with or without a sister, seem to not care about her and even sometimes help her with things. Hell, they even don't mind when their sisters run up to her and she plays with them. Score!

She kept moving forward while reminiscing what little of her past she can remember. She would of kept trying to remember but stopped as her boot hot something with a "CLANG!", looking down she noticed a railing, looking back up she noticed she was in one of the train stations.


Her head shot up, immediately recognizing that sound.

A little sister is in trouble.

(Neptune's Bounty)

"Mr. Bubbles, please, wake up."

What was going on was a little sister is crying over her fallen protector. Tears were running down each cheek, a syringe to her right and a gray shelled with a red belly stuffed turtle that oddly enough had 3 shrimp like tails was on the left of her. Surrounding her from behind were 3 normal splicers and 2 spider splicers, with about 4 dead splicers and 1 dead brute splicer as well. The splicers were slowly getting closer reveling in the fact that even though they lost a few members they took down the big daddy and were now going to get the ADAM from the little sister.

"Aww...ain't she sweet? Gatherin' like a good little girl."

"Now now, dearie, just give us a tiny bit o' yer Adam...

"We just wanna get 'dat icky thing outta your tummy!"

"No!" The girl wailed. Loud, heaving sobs and fat tears poured out from her face as her tormentors stepped forward. "Mr. Bubbles!" Frantically, she shook her protector, desperately she begged for him to rise. The once mighty rumbler twitched once, and fell silent. The Little Sister screamed, a heartrending cry that set the heart aflame.

The splicers were about to grab her. Just a little closer...


...uh oh.

"Mama doesn't want you near me."

The splicers turned around and the last thing they saw was a black and red suit with a blood red glow coming from the head.

(2 minutes later)

The little sister looked up as a gloved hand offered her the stuffed turtle. Looking up the arm she soon saw a black helmet with a green glow that she new belonged to one person.

Big sister? Or Mama?Where stories live. Discover now