Chapter 4: The Truth, and We're Under Attack!

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(I own nothing except my ideas and life)

The train finally came screeching to a stop after about 10-15 minutes of traveling through the ocean. Once it stopped and the doors opened they exited and noticed they were in what looked like a train storage area. Hearing a static noise Kakashi pulled out the little radio and held it where everyone can hear.

"Hello again. It's Tenebaum. I am glad you made it to the station okay. If you're wondering how I know, there are cameras that I have access to so I can monitor you four."

That explains it.

"What y'all are going to have to do next is actually quite simple. On the other side of the room there are some gates that leads to a ticket booth. I am located there. We can meet face to face once you arrive."

Deciding to follow her advice they moved across the room until they reached a glass room with a metal shutter and a small speaker.

Walking up to it Kushina knocked on the glass trying to get the woman's attention. Hearing a *click* and *whirr* they watched the shutter raise revealing the woman they were hearing on the radio. But that wasn't what surprised them though.

It was the five little girls in the room as well. Their appearances and features were a surprise as well. For one, they all had yellow eyes that had a slight glow. But that was basically where the similarities ended. One had red hair with a green dress and a scar on her right cheek and a small pair of glasses. She was looking through a book with awe and amazement. The second had brown hair with a blue dress and two fang-like markings on her cheeks. She was drawing a picture of two dogs, one black and the other white. The third had silver hair with purple and brown streaks and a navy blue dress, while oddly enough had a mask covering her face from the nose down. She was reading a book as well. The fourth girl had indigo hair with a white tint to her eyes wearing a white dress. She was sitting down trying to act stoic and impassive. The fifth and final girl had platinum blonde hair with a purple dress. She was trying to solve puzzles and riddles. (Can anyone guess correctly the girl's heritage, who they belonged to, who they are related to, or who their parents are? I will reveal the answer at the beginning next chapter. Answer in the comments and if you get it right, or are the closest to being right, I'll feature your name in one of my stories.)

Their features and what they were doing honestly surprised them. They only looked about three or four and they were doing things that children nearly twice their age normally do.

Turning their attention to the woman, all of the shinobi and kunoichi gave her the same questioning look saying "explanation please?" Seeing their looks the woman sighed and motioned for them to come inside and have a seat on the couches she had brought in, with a certain big man's help, and shut and locked the door once everyone entered and sat down. Seeing them all looking at her expecting an explanation she sighed and leaned against the control booth that was connected to a bunch of monitors and a radio. Sighing once again she begin her explanation.

"It all started 28 years ago..."could

And so she told them her story as well as raptures, how Andrew Ryan had created the city, how her being an brilliant scientist in genetics as well as psychology. (I forgot if it's true and I don't wanna restart the game for that tid bit. So let's just roll with it.) How she helped in creating the big daddy's and how she came up with the little sister program as well as what she did to the kids. The next part though she stopped before speaking wanting to get the shinobi to at least promise to wait until the end of her next explanation before they tried to kill her considering who they were in relation to the next subject. After getting a confirmation from the shinobi, although they were confused as to why even if they already did slightly hate the woman in front of them for the experiments she dis on the people. Once she got the okay she sighed and began the last of her story, how she was one of the ones who helped to create Fox, which they took in stride, until she revealed where Fox CAME FROM and that SHE TOOK HER.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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