Chapter 3: A Family Sorta Reunited

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(Konoha, Hokage Tower)

Minato could only sigh at his current predicament. First, his daughter was never found which broke his and Kushina's hearts, the only bit of happiness in the family was when Narumi was born 11 years ago. Speaking of which, her graduation from the ninja academy is today and her 12 birthday is tomorrow too. 'Gotta get her a gift' was what ran through his head for a second. Second reason for his day was the council *cough*Danzo*cough* was bitching about not having a jinchuriki, again. Third, there are rumors of a tower in the ocean past Kirigakure no Sato that had everyone curious as to how it got there, and why it's there.

He was about to go back to work when he sensed a familiar presence in the window behind him. "Jiraiya-sensei."

"Hey brat"

Minato could only sigh at the fact that after so many years, Jiraiya still calls him that. "Why are you here sensei, you're not due back for at least a week."

Jiraiya knew what he was about to say was important so he just decided to be blunt, "I found her."

Minato froze with what felt like hope and joy in his chest and mind at those three words. Not giving him a chance to speak he bombarded the man with questions.

Jiraiya could only put his hand on the man's mouth to silence so that he could speak. "If you would give me a minute to explain then I will."

Seeing Minato nod his head began telling what he found, "I had a lead about someone running from Konoha 25 years ago when kyuubi attacked. No one noticed most likely due to the attack just ending and everyone was in a panic. It took a while but I figured out that it was a woman who had a small bundle that was the size of a newborn baby and was heading towards the ocean in the direction of kiri but apparently went passed it and towards a dark tower in the middle of an ocean. That's what I could get from the rumors and the people that claim to have seen it. I went and investigated the tower and didn't find much but then I noticed a pool in the lower levels that had a cable system. I looked in the pool and what I could gleam from it there was a cave system underneath the water. Looking back at the system there was a timer which means some sorta machine that brings people down there will come back up soon. The timer was set to go off two days from now which means that is our only opportunity to go there and see what's down there. I have a team in mind already on who to bring with us and since we have a time frame we need to leave as soon as possible."

"Who do you need?"

(On a boat sailing past and away from kiri 5 hours later)

Jiraiya could only sigh at the redheaded jonin fidgeting in front of him. SHE WOULDN'T SIT STILL AND CALM DOWN!!! "Kushina, please for the love of kami, calm down. I know you're nervous but constantly worrying does not help at all."

Hearing him say that made Kushina hang her head in sorrow since it was true, but she can't help it! Her baby girl might be at this supposed tower and underwater cave system, and she doesn't know if she is even there alive or if she is..dead. It's been 25 years since she held her and yet she is now most likely grown up. Hearing a small and muffled giggle she turned and saw the anbu cat or Yugao holding her hand to her mouth. Her partner inu or Kakashi could only face palm at Yugao's antics. That and he also groaned because he wasn't allowed to bring his book with him.

"We're here."

Everyone turned and followed the toad sage's gaze to see a large dark stone tower that had a golden angel on top with a stone staircase leading to a wooden door.
Walking up the stairs, again, Jiraiya led the others into the tower and down into the lower level where they found the timer that said they had 15 minutes til it surfaces. Telling them to be on guard they waited for the timer to go off.
After the wait they heard it go *ding* and the cables started to move lifting something outta the water. It didn't take long before what appeared to be a large metal sphere appeared out of the water and opened revealing it to be empty except for the seats and a switch on the far side of the sphere.

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