am i pregnet

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so we were still on our phones listening to music and plying games then we heard foot stpes coming torwards the door and it was chalsy with the guys and with the girls chelsy rushed to me and huged me tightly and said "omg girl your okay i missed you i felt like i hvnt talk to you in a long time" she said while smiling and i huged back and said " i missed you too"  we pulled apart and alex said " what you guys doing" and austin said " were just hearing music and playing games wanna join" so alex said yeah sure" but all of a sudden i felt like i was gonna throw up so i ran to the bathroom and threw up like 3 times and when i was done evrybody came to thhe bathromm runining at me like they were so confused but i looked at austin and chelsy said " are you okay do you need to go to the docter" i said " no im fine"  then i threw up again and she said " thats it your oging to the docters" i wahsed my mouth and my face and dired it with a towel and she grabed my arm and walked me down to the car they boys and girls were about to come but chelsy said " no you guys stay here and ill take care of her" they all nonded there heads and chelsy drove me to the hospital..

Chelsy's POV

when we got to the hospital we got out and we both walked in and a lady said " may i help you ladies" i said " yes umm my friend is not feeling well she threw up four times" and the lady said " okay go to room 204 its upsatirs you just have to take the elevator thats down the hall" we noded and walked down the hall were the elevator is then we got in the elevator and when we got out we walked to number 204 and we walked in well marie walked in first and this woman said " heyy how may i help you"  and i said " well my friend here threw up four times today and we dont know why" then the nurse told marie to sit down to see whats wrong so she checked with a machine if something caused her to throw up and it the nusrse said she was pregnet when she said that i was shocked and i said to marie "with who "  and she said " with austin" then the lady did this thing and put it to her stomach it was liquid and she rubed it on her stomach and on the screen it showed the little thingie i dont know how to explain but i knew thats tthe baby..

annamarie's POV

then the nurse told me congratulations and i said thank you then we waled out the hospital and walked to the car and chelsy drove us home when we got there we got out the car and into the house then the guys and the girls hoped up  from the couch and austin said " what did the docter say" and i said " nurse"  and he said " ya whatever now tell us"  and i said " umm a a a i-i-i m a a'' but chelsy cut me off and said loudly " omfg forgoodness sake shes pregnet" and they all staired at me with wierd eyes exept chelsy she looked anoyed by their staring and autumn said " omfg is that true whos the father'' and i said " umm aaa its a-us-tin okay its austin" and  they all looked freaked alex looked mad so i looked away from him and austin looked suprise acually everyone looked suprise but then my smile turned into a frown and i said " but i cant keep this child" and austin said " what why cant you keep your i mean our child" and i said "  becasue i got a text messege from this gang called los deablos and they said that they are coming for me so i cant keep the baby im gonna give the baby to my aunt lisa in san antonio she is gonna take care of my baby but we have to make sure they dont find me before i give birth cause it might take a few months until the baby is ready to come" and they were still shocked but austin said " okay we will do anything to keep that baby safe ill do anything to keep that baby safe even if it takes for me to give up my life for it" i felt a tear run down my face and austin hugged and and gave me a kiss on the lips "i will protect you and our baby and if we ever get a chance we will get him o her back" and evrbody said awww and i walked up to alex and said " are you okay with me and austin being together " and he said " yes im okay with it you guys are my friends of corse ill be there to help all of us will and i never wanna ruin are freindship it really means alot to me" and i hugged him and austin said that i should take a rest so i walked upstairs and laid on my bad and drifted off to sleep..

Austin's POV 

i walked up to alex and said " thanx bro your the best you made her smile when you said those words im glad to have you as my friend..  so i walked up strairs and walked into maries room and she was already asleep  so i laid down right next to her and i put my hand to her stomach because i wanted to feel the baby i felt alittle bump that made me smile and i drifted off to sleep...


heyyyy guys its jenny pls like and vote or comment it would mean alot... love you guys... - jenny

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