The Chair

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I woke slowly, feeling a little uncomfortable. I looked around, but I saw nothing. Wherever I was was pitch black, other than a dim spotlight shining on me. This spotlight gave me insight into my current predicament. I wasn't in my bed. I wasn't in my house! I was in a random room I couldn't see, totally tied up! My arms were tied tightly above my head and my legs were out in front of me, spread widely and tied up too! My toes were even tied back! And what made it all worse? I was completely naked! 

I started to scream in terror, begging for someone, anyone to let me out! I had no idea where I was, who had done this, or why. Was I here to be raped?! Was someone making me their sex slave?! That's what it looked like! I couldn't do that! I couldn't let that happen! But there was nothing I could do. My only hope was to scream my lungs out.

I screamed for a while, who knows how long, until my throat was getting irritated. Someone had to come eventually! I screamed and screamed and screamed until... Until I was shut up quite quickly by something skittering up my foot. I couldn't tell what it was - I wasn't even sure if it was real or fake! It was a very light touch. But... It tickled.

"Come on! Let me out!" I screamed desperately one last time. No one was coming. No one came to me to do good nor bad things. I was terrified! Was I just going to be left here? Was the fluffy thing that has touched me an animal? Was I just going to be left to die?

I should be so lucky.

What was really going on... Well...

"Dakota," a deep voice bellowed out, intimidating and strong as my world was shrouded in darkness by a blindfold . "Welcome... To the chair!"

Before I had a chance to ask any questions, something electric began to buzz and whir to life, terrifying me. It sounded like a drill. 

"N-no," I begged desperately, trying to struggle against my tight bonds. "No, no, no, no... NO!" I screamed as something came into contact with the bottom of my foot. It only remained for half a second; I couldn't tell what it was. "What do you want from me? Please, let me - AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I squealed as the thing returned. It was thin, it was metal, and it was vibrating. It was incredibly ticklish! So ticklish that I was already rendered speechless. I couldn't beg, no matter how hard I tried. I'm a horribly ticklish person and my feet are one of my worst spots! 

The metal tool was given a break, soon enough.

I wasn't so lucky.

As soon as it was gone, something else happened. Something indescribable began to tickle my sensitive belly, making me giddy with childishly high-pitched laughter and hysterical giggling.

"Stahahap it," I tried to beg, but no sound came out. Only my uncontrollable laughter. This tool, whatever it may be, tickled so much worse than anything I'd ever felt, before. I couldn't stand it!

Laughter belted out of me hysterically as the horrible tool duplicated and raised to my ribs. There was now one of them on either side, driving me absolutely mad with ticklish laughter. I couldn't stand it!


Of course, that meant I was screwed. My ribs weren't my worst spot. I'd never be able to stand it if those things found my sweet-spot!

The tickly tools didn't stop. They kept torturing my belly and ribs as something else joined them! What joined them was something odd - it was a flat circle of an incredibly ticklish fabric that spun and vibrated rapidly. This tool found its way to a weak spot of mine - the inner thighs. With my legs spread so far, I had no way to defend myself! All I could do was belt out insane laughter as I was tickled rigorously by these devices straight out of hell.

One by one, these tools were retired after a long, unbearable tickle session, ending with the vibrating, fabric circle that, no matter how close it came, stayed just outside of my pleasure area, teasing me just a little. However, Feathers appeared out of nowhere to tickle my sensitive nipples, making my whole body shake as I tried desperately to escape. It didn't make me crazy - boy, did I laugh, though - but it was unbearable! My nipples being tickled always drove me up the wall, so it was no wonder that it was so damn torturous, now. 

"It... TICKLES! Plehehehease, I can't... I CANT TAKE IT!" I squealed, busting my gut laughing when the feathers found my sweet spot. My armpits.

Now, there was something I forgot to mention, before. My arms weren't only bound at the wrists. There were thick, leather straps above my elbows. I couldn't move an inch to save my life. 

So with my armpits, my most ticklish spot on my incredibly sensitive body, being exploited, I was driven absolutely batty. My inability to move just made it all the more ticklish!


The feathers alone tickled that bad.

After a ridiculously long bout of torture, I was finally given a short break. Very short. Only to give me enough oxygen to keep me conscious. My break ended too quickly. I wasn't ready.

However, our of everything that could have happened, I can't complain about what started when my break was over.

I felt something touching me, pulsing in my groin, pleasuring me. I couldn't hold back my pleasured moaning as I drew nearer to my release, having embarrassingly grown somewhat hot from the torture before this. The pulse was joined by something soft like a feather that started to tickle, driving me absolutely insane at the conflicting, torturous and yet pleasurable experience. My body began to tremble with lust, a fire that grew within. No matter how torturous, the two conflicting feelings brought me greater pleasure than I'd ever known. I moaned loudly as the pulsing and tickling intensified, finally bringing me to orgasm.

The pulsing and tickling never left my pleasure area, even as tools new and old were introduced to my trembling, tired body. It wasn't too long before I had orgasmed again... And again... And again... All without a second's break from the tireless tickling with ever-changing tools and locations.

I was kept in a state of tortured and pleasured laughter for a long, long time, after that, never once getting a break that lasted longer than just enough to keep me conscious.

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