Intro / prologue

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Hello everyone I am back with a different story mixing it up a bit but hey I am still gonna finish those book but they are on hold at the moment so new story!! If you guys haven't read the description here it's is!!! Hope you guys like the story!!


When Molly Madison gets dumped by her former boyfriend (Jonathan Jackson) of 3 years for the head cheerleader at Jensen High Molly goes crazy.. she doesnt know what to do with herself so she figures its time for a change in her life and pretends to goes out the schools bad boy Drew Johnson just to mess with Jonathan only to find herself falling for Drew.. Are they meant to be or are they doomed for life?



"MOLLY I SWEAR TO GOD YOU BETTER GET YOUR FUCKING ASS UP NOW!!!!! IT'S THE FIRST FUCKING DAY OF OUR SENIOR YEAR! GET THE FUCK UP YOU LAZY ASS!!!!!" My wonderful best friend screams in a sick twisted way if trying to get me up.

"I'm not going, it's too fucking early! And I don't want to!!!" I said back while pulling my pillow over my head trying to tune her out.

"Fine you leave me with no choice" Summer says before I hear footsteps retreating out of my room. I sigh happily and try to fall back to sleep when I hear loud footsteps running into my room.

"Oh no...." 

"MOLLY GET THE FUCK UP!!" My brothers say in unison.


"Oh you think we won't? "my oldest brother asks before they all grab me and pull me out of my very soft and comfortable bed.


"Sorry little sis no can do, we have school." Liam says,in a very bored tone. He is the youngest out of my 3 older brothers.

Hold up. I'm gonna pause there for a second and explain this to you. You see I have 3 older brothers, they are triplets. Logan who is the oldest, Noah is the middle and Liam is the youngest. They look nothing alike trust me Logan has dirty blond hair with light brown eyes and is about 6.3'. Noah has light brown hair with green eyes and is 6.1'and Liam has jet back hair with blue eyes and is 6.2' they are 9 months older than me.. i was born 3 months earlier than I was supposed to but hey whose complaining I'm the same age as my 3 older brothers... Yay.. Hear the sarcasm?

Ok I'm gonna continue with my story now.

"B-But I don't wanna go!!!" I say struggling trying to get back to my soft, soft bed.

"Ok will someone go get a bucket of ice water or something! why is she always so damn hard to wake up?!" Summer said visibly frustrated with me.

"DONT YOU DARE, YOU SON'S OF A BITCH'S ILL KILL YOU! For the love of god I'm up!" I screamed finally stopping rolling my eyes and struggling to get out of Liam's grip.

"Finally! Go get ready we leave in 30." Summer said smiling and walking out the door with my brothers in tow. 


"WE KNOW" they all said in unison.

I took a quick shower, dried of my naturally straight, light brown hair and got dressed in a crop-top, blue jean short shorts and flip flops. Grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs "come on guys lets go to hell!!" I said while walking out the door to Liam's car "oh and by the way.. SHOTGUN!!!"

"DAMNIT!!!!!!" They all screamed except Liam who was the only one who knew how to drive his car due to it being standard and everyone else being too lazy to learn it.

We all got in the car and then we were on our way to hell.. I mean school.

Summer was in the back seat squished between Logan and Noah which irritated her to no end due to the fact that my brothers were almost always fighting. she only has one older brother, who just so happens to be Drew. He is my best friend of 4 years, unknown to everyone else as of right now. 

On the way to school I normally drift off into lala land due to me not wanting to go to school at all in the first place. 

During me spacing out my lovely brothers were having their normal first day back to school talk. Who's trying out for which sport, are they all playing football (which duh if they didn't id be seriously surprised), What girls do they think may have gotten hot over the summer and who hasn't, you know normal stupid teenage boy conversations. Summer looks absolutely disgusted by the time we get to school which in turn only makes me laugh. 

As were getting out of the car I hear my name being called by none other then my lovely ex friend who fucked my ex boyfriend. 

"Look who it is everyone, the pathetic girl who cant keep a man after being with him for, what was it? oh yeah 3 years." She laughed as if she was actually funny, Liam was PISSED as she was his ex as well. 

"Umm, How exactly am I the pathetic one? You're the one who fucked someone else's man while dating MY BROTHER" I say back. Mama ain't raise no bitch and I don't have any filter or patience for bullshit."

"Well you see, I can actually keep a man unlike you" She said as if it was obvious.

"Obviously not because last I checked you would have had to keep your legs closed to be able keep a man" I grabbed my bag out of the car and slammed the car door. Liam stood beside on my left side with Logan and Noah directly behind me and Summer on the other side as we walk towards the whore. 

"I do keep my legs closed but thanks for your concern" Ava said 

'From what I've heard you definitely don't but I have to get to class and I don't the energy to deal with sluts right now so I guess ill see you later" I say as I roll my eyes. all of us walk inside forgetting about miss prick outside. 


Ok so let me know what you guys think! Love you all! Ill update soon :P

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