Chapter 2: Happy 4 year best friend

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So here's my dilemma you see drew is my best friend always have been and always will be but no one and i mean NO ONE knows about us... we've kept it secret for the past 4 years of our lives. no one knows that we know exactly what each other is thinking and everyone thinks we hate each other even though the minute we are by ourselves in one of our secret spots we laugh at how oblivious everyone is to our best friendship. and trust me the day we became friends was the best decision i ever made...

~4 years earlier~

ugh can i just crawl in a hole and never come out i don't want to deal with anyone right now.. my best friends are slowly turning against me and my enemy, well he's not exactly my enemy but he's close because everyone in my friend group hates him at the moment for breaking little Ava's heart.. honestly i don't like that girl but no one listens to little old me. 'Because Molly knows nothing she hasn't been through heart break before!! how could she possibly understand?'

Right now i'm sitting by a tree at a deserted beach that no one even knows about anymore. i come here when i need to think no one comes here so its perfect for thinking. i felt the tree shaking and i looked up only to see 'him' sitting in the tree..

"What are you doing here Good Girl?" he asked speaking the nickname he gave me about 6 months ago. i gave him a small smile and looked back down at the sand when he decided to jump out of the tree.

"Drew i don't need to deal with you right now i have too much going on to deal with you "I said glaring at him

"what's wrong Molly?" he asked sitting down next to me

i laughed drily and looked at him "oh like you could give a rats ass about me"

"Woah colorful language for a 13 fucking year old" he chucked holding his hands up in surrender

"looks whose talking" i said

"point taken" he said then added "no seriously Molls what's wrong?"

"Did you just call me Molls?" i asked looking at him like he had 6 heads

"Yeah i did.. your just gonna have to deal with it" he said smiling.

i nodded and looked over at him "Why are you even here?" i asked him generally curious

"Its a good place to think.. its very beautiful here and very peaceful.. its kind of my place I'm almost always here" he said while he watched the waves with a content smile on my face

"so you were thinking about something?"

"Yep.. how bitchy my recent ex is and how i should have never dated her just for her bitchy ass to break up with me for some 10th grade dickhead."

"true dat.. wait a sec.. she broke up with you?"

"Yes that she did" he said looking at the ground.. i saw a tear run down his face so i lifted his head to look at me and wiped away his tears from his eyes that were now streaming down his face.

"If it makes you feel amy better i hate her more now"

he looked at me confused and i smiled before he asked why and i said "She hurt you.. no one deserves that" i said resting my head on his shoulder"

"i could really use a friend right now.. i have no one left and you don't have t-" i cut him off by covering his mouth with my hand and kissing his cheek

"how does a best friend sound?" i asked his smiling and resting my head on his shoulder again

"that sounds perfect" he smiled and i sighed being the happiest i have been in a while

We spent a few hours there before sneaking into my bedroom where we stayed for 4 days after that. getting to know each other and  setting a plan to not let anyone know about our friendship.

~Present day~

"You know Molly climbing in your window every night for the past 4 years may just not be my cup of tea anymore" Drew said sitting down next to me on my bed.

"Yeah well you could have stopped doing that anytime you wanted to." i said not looking up from the computer screen. i had to finish my English report before i go to bed or i wont have time to print it in the morning

"Oh and miss out on my Molly time i don't think so" he wrapped his arms around me and tackled me onto the bed. thank god i had finished my last sentence and saved my paper before he did that. i took my glasses off my face set them on the bedside table along with my laptop and looked at him smiling

"well happy 4 years to you too bestie" i said sarcastically

"you know i was thinking if it wasn't for miss bitch Ava we would have never became best friends. i was thinking about this earlier and how much i have to thank her for pissing you off and breaking my ever so fragile heart that day, because even though she hurt me she gave me the best girl in the world. You baby girl are the best thing to ever come into my life and there hasn't been a day that's gone by that i haven't thanked the world for giving me you" i smiled and kissed his cheek

"who knew the schools bad boy Drew Johnson could be so deep" he groaned and put his head in my pillow and i smiled and kissed his cheek "I'm kidding drew! now turn off the light I'm tired goodnight babes" kissed his cheek and turn so my back was toward him and climbed underneath my blankets.

"you are a pain in the ass you know that?" he said before climbing underneath the blanket with me and turning off the light. he kissed my cheek and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him and sighing contently "Goodnight Molls happy 4 year" he whispered before i fell asleep in his arms.

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