Chapter 1: My day in hell

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The second we walked into the school we split off from the boys and headed to our lockers. As we are walking down the hallway summer starts talking about I don't even know what because i zoned out thinking about how horrible today is gonna be. I don't wanna see him, let alone have to deal with him and his bull-

"MOLLY!" Jason screamed interrupting my thoughts as he was walking over to me

"JASON!!" I screamed back and hugged him, god I missed his hugs

"How's my favorite girl?" He asked me

"HEY! Offensive!" Summer said giving him a hug

"Oh come on Summer you know I love Molly more" he said smiling

"Oh will you two knock it off" I said rolling my eyes at them but smiling because to be truthfully honest it was really funny the way they acted around each other.

"Ok come on you two lets get to homeroom" Jason said, linking his arms through ours

"Do you guys think the asshole will be in our homeroom?" Summer asked and Jason looked at me with sad eyes.. so I gave him a sad smile and a nod

"Who cares not like we're gonna talk to him.. Right Molly?" Jason said

"Correct" I stated as a fact I didn't want to see that jerk ever again.

We stopped at our locker which happen to be right next to each others before heading off to homeroom



The jerk somehow managed to be in almost all of my classes so far and it was driving me nuts he would always sit near me and try to talk to me but honestly I really just wish he would just go away

I was sitting and having a conversation with Jason while we waited for Summer to show up when I heard my names being screamed from across the room. I didn't have to look to see who it was, I knew because I could pick out that voice anywhere.

"Molly why are you avoiding me? And why are you not sitting with me?" He asked

"Just leave her alone. You've done enough damage" Jason said

"I'd rather hear that from her!" He said back

"Stop." I said and looked up at him. The person who I fell in love with 3 years ago is not the person standing in front of me right now. "and Jon you know the answers to both of those questions so I suggest to just leave me alone." I said

"But Mol-" Jonathan started to say before I cut him off.

"Don't. Just don't." I said before I stood up and walked out of the room.

I heard footsteps behind me but I knew it wasn't Jason or Summer because I told them that if this happened that I would just see them at the next class or after school and I know it can't be Jonathan because Jason wouldn't let him and honestly I don't care at this point who it is I just hope they go away!

I walked out into the courtyard and sat down by my tree. I come here whenever I don't want to talk to anyone,  It's always pretty empty.

"Molly are you ok?" He asked me.

"If I said yes will you go away?" I looked up at him and he shook his head. I gave him a sad smile and climbed into the tree a little to be closer to his height.

"Don't let him bring you down Mols. your an amazing person and he's stupid if he can't see that. He just lost the best thing that ever happened to him."

"Drew.." I warned and pointed at him smiling

"What?" He asked with a genuine smile on his face. God I missed that smile

"You are a pain in my ass, I hope you know that." I smiled happy with myself as I leaned back against the tree.

"Oh I know baby girl but you love me anyways" he stated

"Don't push it" I said

Drew really knew how to make me smile just no one knew it except him

"Mollyyyyyy can't we tell the world that were best friends yet?" He asked

"Hey you are the one who didn't want to tell anyone that were friends to and I quote 'protect your reputation' don't you remember that?"

"Hey now that was only-"

"Last week." I said cutting him off. he smiled and laughed which got me giggling. oh god if Jason and Summer only saw me now they would be beaming.

Drew rummaged through his bag for a second before pulling out a little bag of snacks he packed for me "you need to eat molly and i figured jackass would act up around lunch time so i packed you your own lunch" he stated smiling as he handed me the bag of snacks.

"God what would i do without you?" i questioned as i grabbed the tiny bag of gold fish and started popping some in my mouth.

"You would have a very sad and uneventful life" he laughed 

"Solid point there" i stated 

We spent the rest of lunch together before going our separate ways so i could meet up with Summer and Jason and he could go do god only knows what. 

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