Chapter 4: confessions

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-Molly's P.O.V.-

I was at my locker when summer walked up to me looking pretty upset "what up chickidy?" I asked

"Well you see Liam has a new 'girlfriend' and Jay can't come tonight" she sighed. She only ever got like this when my stupid brother got a new toy to play with, and that happens like every week.. Summer has had a crush on Liam for as long as I can remember and I felt bad for her because she's not only my best friend but she is also Liam's best friend.

"What?! No!!" I cried "Jay has to come!  I need you both tonight! We gotta talk!!!!!"

"Thats what I said when he told me in biology but I guess he has plans with some guy tonight. But he said that if its not too late he'll stop by because he knows you have to tell him 'something important'. His words not mine." She explained "Oh and my idiotic twin has to drive us back to your place.. My car broke down." She added looking at me cautiously.

"Ok" I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"Your not mad?!" She said shocked

"No! Why would I be?" I said acting confused when really all I wanted to do was laugh.

"Because you hate my brother." She stated in a duh tone like it was obvious.

"Not really. Hate is such a strong word."

"And so is love." She giggled at our inside joke.

"Hey ladies." Drew said as he walked up to us smiling the smile that makes my heart melt and tons of other girls fall to his feet.

"Well hello to you too dickhead. You seem all too happy. Is Everything ok??" She said in a bored tone.. She really did have it out for her brother sometimes but at the end of the day she will always love him.

"Actually I'm just in a good mood. Had a pretty damn good day today. Gotta problem?" He said looking at me knowingly.

"Nope none at all." She said still in a bored tone.

"Anyways you guys ready to-"

"SHOT GUN!!!" I shouted interrupting Drew and running out to his car.

"No fair!!" Summer screamed from somewhere behind me as I full on sprint out of the school to Drew's car. I reached the car first as i hear the beep telling me that it was unlocked, i quickly scrambled to get into the passenger seat. Drew chuckled as he got into the drivers seat and started the car. I stick my feet up on the dashboard and take out my phone and scroll through TicTok.

"TicTok addict" Drew said just loud enough for me to hear. I giggled and rolled my eyes before glaring at him

"Your one to talk meme addict." I shot back and apparently a little too loud.

"How did you know he was addicted to sending  funny meme's to everyone??" Summer questioned.

" see..its....DREW!" I said because I didn't know how to explain.

"Oh my god summer she knows because she's my girlfriend and has been my best friend for the past 4 years." He stated bluntly.

"Best friend? Girlfriend? When? How? What?! Molly, I thought you hated Drew!" She said seeming to be in shock.

"Nope I never hated Drew." I stated nervously as I bite my lip.

She didn't say anything for a while probably in shock.

"So you two have been best friends these past 4 years?" She asked finally

"Yep" I said still scrolling through my phone

"And now you two are dating??" She asked a little shocked. 

"Yes Summer"Drew stated bored with his sisters questions

"I mean how did you two even become friends in the first place?" she asked

"Do you remember the day me and Ava broke up?" Drew asked

"Yes she came to us crying and we all ganged up on Molly for defending you. She left in tears and didn't come out of her room for four days. Why?"

"That's the night me and Drew became best friends. I spent those four days with him" I said smiling

"Oh my god I should have known! You came home the same day Molly rejoined the world by exiting her room!!" She said and i laughed "why didn't you tell us?"

"Well because of my rep and she thought you guys would get mad." Drew said as he looked over at me.

"And to think all these years I thought molly hated you." She said "wait you haven't spent a night a home in 4 years! Where have you been?" She asked

"My house" I stated

"I knew you were with a girl but I thought you were screwing her!" She said as she laughed

"Hey now I did that too!" Drew defended

Me and summer looked at each other and we both busted out laughing

When we finally stopped laughing summer said "Drew you may be my twin but I'm not stupid like you. There is no way you have spent the night at any other girls house in the past 4 years. How you didn't get caught by her brothers though I don't know."

"Actually Liam knows. He's the only one beside someone else who I won't say but we told Liam after he caught me in the kitchen one morning when me and molls stayed home sick." Drew confessed and I smiled happily

"Oh my god you both suck!!" She screamed

"We know!" We said before all of us started laughing.

"But hey on the bright side now you know" Drew stated 

Summer looked over at me a little confused. "But wait if he's been sleeping there does that mean Jon knows about you two?" She asked.

"Nope not in the slightest. Jon never stayed over in the 3 years we were together and even when he was there Drew just wasn't. Drew would come over after Jon left."

"Ok but what about you Drew? You've been sleeping in her bed for 4 years but you've also had a TON of girlfriends. How'd you pull that one off?"

"Well i never really dated anyone outside of school. so I mean I've hooked up with a few girls but not as many as people thought i was hooking up with, i was just spending my nights with Molly." He answered honestly.

Summer looked back at me for a second and sat back in her seat. "I'm so calling Jay! looks like we have a lot to talk about!!"

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