Love Letter (Ming & Kit)

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Here it is the continuation of the one shot. I want to tell you guys that some of the scene Ming's character will be charming and serious like a hazer. And guys SBFive is at Macau. Good luck to people who want to meet them at Macau. Anyway, enjoy.

Kit is on the way to do his mission. He look around to see people. Thank goodness there's nothing and no one is there at the moment. He quickly place the letter at the senior's locker and run away.

Kit's POV
My name is kit. I'm a freshman in engineer faculty. To tell you the truth, my friend Phana force me to enter medical but i change last minute to engineering. At the moment, Phana is sulking to me.

Who i'm giving this letter to you ask? Well, i'm giving this to p'Ming. He is the senior i love. Yes! I'm giving him a love letter. I first meet him when i'm bumped into him at the first day of the school. I can't find my class and he show me the way. At the time, he is playful, joking around and annoying me. But he change my mind when i enter cheer hall. He looks nothing like the person i meet this morning. He looks charming, smart, intimidating, and i can see that all people respect him.

That was the story. Now the hazing is end. P'Ming is back in his usual self. Annoying me. But even so, i still love him.

At the moment, i'm hiding. I wait for p'Ming to open the locker and see the letter. After waiting like 10 minutes, i can see him at the locker. He look around before take the letter.

"Hey Kit! What are you doing here?" my engineer friend said to me.

"Huh! No nothing." i lie hoping that he can go.

"Ah! I see. You give p'Ming a love letter. So that's why you are waiting here." he said that. I'm shocked how did he know.

"How did you know?" i ask.

"You know when we still have hazing, you have admiration in your face and you eyes are shining whenever p'Ming guve order to us. That's how i know. And i just guess , if you here acting like a stalker means you already give the letter and want to see his reaction." he said.

I shock.

He right on the spot.

"Yeah! You right. But i don't see hia reaction. When he see the letter he keep his poker face like it's a normal letter. So, i don't know." i said.

My friend can only pat me.


Ming's POV
I just got a letter from my lovely junior. Love letter. I fell so happy that he also feels the same to me. But why he look sad. He should happy because i get his letter. Ah! I know how to make him happy.

The next day
Ming walk casually to the first year locker. He feels weird there is no one at the moment. The first year must have a class. That's what Ming thought to himself. He put the letter in Kit's locker and go away before anyone notice him here.

Kit is on the way to his locker to store some of his things in it. He feels his things getting heavier at time to time.

When he open it, he is shock to see a letter. He quickly grab the letter and put his things.

He find a place to read it.

He start to read the letter.

Hi Kit,

You know i'm happy when you give me the letter. I can't describe my feeling at the time. But, i am sad when you look like to cry. Why? Why you have that face that time? I want to tell you actually that i fall for you at the first sight. But, i know you don't like me because of my character that time. I don't know what make you love me. But i'm happy you actually love me. I want to tell you that i love you my lovely dimple man.

From your love one,

After read it, Kit is running like a crazy to find his loved one.

Kit spot him. Kit can see p'Ming with his hazer friends.

Kit hug him in front of them.

With a cry Kit said " I LOVE YOU TOO P'MING"


Sorry i push publish button on reflex. Anyway, this story is a bit short.

Oh! I want to tell you guys, if my view readers reach 1k i will put special chapter about Toota. I actully keep plan of Toota chapter for a month. So wait for it

See you next time

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