Lost/ Author Note

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Hey everyone! So I just wanted to say, welcome and I hope you enjoy the new book!
Me and a close friend are writing and coming up with this story an it's characters together!
Ironically, we decide to make this book about troubled teens, cause that's what we are too.
We met at a school made for teens going through too much.

Anyways! Here are the characters that we have so far and are only going to do the main characters right now!

Here we go!

*Clary Robin's*

This is what we want Clary Robin's to look like! She always wears oversized hoodies, skinny jeans and her only pair of shoes, which are high-tops

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This is what we want Clary Robin's to look like!
She always wears oversized hoodies, skinny jeans and her only pair of shoes, which are high-tops. She is 16 years old.

Clary is a quiet girl who sticks to herself in busy places and keeps silent. She is sarcastic and sassy when she is approached too often. Even if it's by the same person.

*Brooks Lakefield*

This is what we imagine Brooks as! He wears skinny black jeans and a white cotton t-shirt, with a leather jacket if he is at school

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This is what we imagine Brooks as!
He wears skinny black jeans and a white cotton t-shirt, with a leather jacket if he is at school. He is 17 years old.
Brooks is known as a player. He jumps from girl to girl, like candy! He is a arrogant and cocky guy.
He's sarcastic and sly! Add up the heat! Am I right or am I right??

*Kate Lakefield*

Kate is Brooks little sister! She is sassy and over mature for her age

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Kate is Brooks little sister! She is sassy and over mature for her age. She acts like a child most times though!
She has a close relationship with Brooks and is always teasing him.
She is homeschooled and usually wears pajamas! Kate is 11 years old.

So... Did I do well enough?
What do you think of the characters? Think their personalities with spice up the story? I mean look at Brooks! Yum anyone?
Anyway... *Looks away from his picture slightly dazed, clearing my throat*
Erm... Make sure to Comment, Vote, and follow!
Alright well! Those are the characters and I hope you like our descriptions of the characters!
*Bows down and blows kisses* Till next time!
Love you Readers!
(348 words)

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