Chapter 11

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Brooks P.O.V

"What the fuck, Chris?! You should have let me know about this earlier!" I hung up as Chris began rambling excuses from the other end of the phone. But I didn't fucking care as I threw the phone across my room and I ran my hands through my hair, seething.

What Chris said ran through my head on a repeat and each time I rewound the one line in my head, my heart clenched tighter and tighter, till I felt like I couldn't breath.

'I think Clary's killing herself tonight.'  I paced my bedroom and stopped as realization swepted across my mind.

He said tonight... He said she was killing herself. Tonight! Fucking Damn it!! I rushed over towards my phone and swiped my keys and wallet from my desk as I ran out of my room and down the hallway.

I glanced down at my phone and clicked Clary's name in my contacts. I pressed the phone to my ear as I grabbed my coat that I'd thrown into the hallway during Chris' call. I began to tug the leather jacket on as I pressed the phone between my ear and shoulder.

I grabbed the phone in my hand as the line just continued ringing. I swung myself over the side of the stairway and over the railing. I landed perfectly fine on the ground and ran out my front door. I barely heard the door slam as I abruptly stopped in front of my bike.

"I'm sorry, but the person you are trying to call is not available." The female recording filled my mind and I swore loudly as I turned the key in the ignition of my bike. It roared to life and I swung myself onto the seat. I pulled out, barely kicking the stand up before I was flying down the road towards Clary's house.

I barely paid attention to the wind, tousling my hair out of place nor the ice I was usually worried about. 

I felt like I was hyperventilating by the time I parked my bike near the curb, not caring about the kickstand as I swung myself off my back and across her lawn. I rushed up the doorstep, not caring as my bike hit the cement curb with a loud screech. I was shaking as I pounded on the door. 

I picked at the skin over my knuckles, tugging the skin. I barely felt the pain that began to radiate from my red skin as I took in a deep breath. No one was answering. 

I waited another second, which felt more like hours, until I turned the knob and slammed the door open. I entered her house, looking around frantically. I see her backpack against the wall next to the door andI pick it up as I look around. 

'She's still here.' I set the backpack back down as I walk around and past the living room. I walk towards the kitchen when I spot stairs leading up from the corner of my eye. It was too quiet. Too silent. 

I look around and seeing nothing or hearng nothing I begin to walk back into the living room. 

"Clary?!" I call out and I hear my voice practically echo in the gigantic house. No one responds. 

I pick up my phone about to dial the cops as I walk towards the door, till a loud crash resonates from upstairs. Before I know it I am rushing through the kitchen and up the stairs, two steps at a time. I press the speed dial for the cops as I reach the top step. I look at the doors lining the hallway and panic sets in as silence settles over the house once more and I clutch my phone tightly up to my ear. 

"Whats your emergency?" A womans voice asks from the other line of the phone. 

"I-i think girlfriend is attempting suicide...." I reply lowly as I open the first door on my right. No ones or literally nothing is in there, except  a box, overfilling with clothes. I shut the door and turn around approaching the door opposite to me. 

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